RB6V2 - Of Dice and Gin(seng)


Shared on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 16:34
I apologize in advance for the poorly constructed pun, but you'll soon figure out what it's all about soon enough.  Any time there is a hot new game release, I usually head over to the local Circuit City since I've got one of those super fancy Gamers Club cards, which nets you 10% off off any new game or accessory.  Anyway, I headed over there during my lunch break to pick up Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and see that they're handing out promotional items if you pick up the game.

The first item is a single red fuzzy die (not a pair, but one) that proudly says "Rainbow Six Vegas 2" on it.  It's quite large, but I wonder why there is only one die and not a complete set.  I guess it's twice as many or half the price, however you want to look at it.  Anyway, the most interesting promo item that I got was the "Gamers Energy Kit" box - the "Energy Kit 4 Gamers, so they can Game All Nite!".  The most fascinating part of this kit (other than the cashier said it's quite popular, and lots of people are evidentially paying $15 for this thing) is that it includes items that I never knew existed - in addition to the standard 12 ounce ginseng energy drink, it comes with Energy Gum, Energy Spray, and best of all, Energy Beef Jerky.  The Energy Spray proudly exclaims that it can keep you going for as long as 80 hours(!), but warns of "rapid and possible fluctuating heartbeat".  Cocaine is probably safer to take than this stuff.  I also never knew there existed Energy Beef Jerky until today - God Bless America...

I don't if anyone else out there in TV Land has one of these Circuit City Gamers Club cards, but damn if CC didn't completely botch the program.  Ever since I picked the card up last June, very few employees seem to be aware of its existence and not a single one seems to know how to scan the thing properly.  Every time I use it, the employee always has to call a manager to override the system and manually take the 10% off.  You'd think with a nationwide program like this they'd have some kind of training on how to use it.

I also picked up Sega Superstar Tennis while I was there.  Being a Segaphile all my life (I had a Sega Master System and Genesis instead of a NES and SNES growing up), I'm a sucker for Sega fan service.  I also like tennis games, so for me it was a win-win.  Where else am I going to be able to lob a ball at House of the Dead zombies as Gilius Thunderhead, the dwarf from Golden Axe?


MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 16:40
"Where else am I going to be able to lob a ball at House of the Dead zombies as Gilius Thunderhead, the dwarf from Golden Axe?" Maybe Comic-con?
ninja_dawg's picture
Submitted by ninja_dawg on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 16:41
The original Sega was dope. Did you ever play Zillion? I loved that game.
ImaginaryEngr76's picture
Submitted by ImaginaryEngr76 on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 16:46
Never played the first Zillion, but I did play Zillion III: Triformation.
Retrogirl546's picture
Submitted by Retrogirl546 on Wed, 03/19/2008 - 18:31
I've only had the card work once by them scanning it. Every other time they've had to key in the discount. First couple of times I used it they had no idea what it was. Too bad Best Buy doesn't have a similar program to compete.

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