Review from a drunken asshole: Metroid other M


Shared on Sat, 09/04/2010 - 21:16

Metroid other M takes the female gender back a thousand years by pitting Samus against her quest against martians in the typical fashion but adding all sorts of shallow bullshit like refusing to shoot super missiles because of apparent daddy issues. I mean you do control somebody who has saved the galaxy multiple times but now you suddenly care for this pack of losers so much that you feel the need to not even use the good weapons because you "want to impress the boys?". And the constant exposition describing the need of Samus to thumbs down her commander because she is a girl is so fucking shallow that it makes me want to grow a vagina just to kick the developers of this game in the face.
The gameplay is bullshit. the mechanics sometimes work but even then everything feels like a grind. It lacks the adrenaline rush of a God of War title and the consistency that a Metroid game should have.
I give this game a fucking thumbs down.



JuggaloJedi's picture
Submitted by JuggaloJedi on Sun, 09/05/2010 - 02:31
That sucks I was hoping this game would give me a reason to actually play the Wii

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