

Shared on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 20:06

I know everyone has beaten this years presidential race to death but........ bear with me. I hate to go all Republican and conservative being new to the site and all but...i just gotta be me. There is no contest this time around. McCain is the only choice. Obama plays to the opinion polls as do all good democraps.......You fight for what you believe in and let the chips fall where they may. Every time we get saddled with a dem in the whitehouse my tx dollars end up paying for every ridiculous social program known to man while the rest of the world looks at us and laughs. We are the pre eminent superpower left on the globe. We have won the RISK game. End of story. This years election should  be about voting for the person who believes and stands by their convictions......not an opinion poll. Social welfare wont fix our domestic problems.....Nobody in this country deserves a handout. Work for what you want and dont expect your neighbor to foot your bill. George may not have been the best president in history but you gotta give him credit for standing by his decisions and not playing the blame game. Although on the lighter side of all this I bet he would be kickass at scrabble with the words he can come up with....lol.


TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Sat, 06/23/2007 - 11:01
It's my opinion that the party system carries a lot of the blame. Politicians are forced to bow to their party and mass-fundraise just to even have a chance at getting elected. Politicians shouldn't need multi-million dolllar budgets to campaign - it forces them to act the way they do. I think the election/campaign system should be much more standardized...
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Sat, 06/23/2007 - 12:04
LOL. Got the proof, nomo?
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 08/24/2010 - 01:46
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MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Sat, 05/17/2008 - 03:37
Mike James 2012! :D
M13a77's picture
Submitted by M13a77 on Sat, 05/17/2008 - 09:54
Although I agree with 90% of your blog I have to point out something that bugged me a bit. You said "I don't think anything would change with a Democrat, but lets give them a chance. They can't screw us worse than, oh, I dunno, a needless war that has been a multibillion dollar drain on our economy." ... and "maybe we'd have something more to show for it than dead soldiers and more people who want to kill us." I do find it funny how people seem to forget the body bags being brought home under the clinton admin. Lets see * The 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed 6 and injured 1,000 * The 1993 Mogadishu firefight that killed 18 U.S. soldiers * The 1995 Oklahoma City terrorist attack on the federal building by American extremists that killed 168, wounding several hundred others * The 1995 Saudi Arabia car bomb that killed 5 U.S. military personnel * The 1996 Khobal Towers bombing that killed 19 U.S. soldiers, wounding 515 * The 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 231 citizens, 12 Americans and injured 5,000 * The 2000 USS Cole attack in Yemen that killed 17 U.S. sailors, wounding 39 I know the numbers of dead are not the same as in this war but keep in mind that fighting a war in very much different than sitting around on our asses and allowing extremists to kill our citizens with impunity. Could this war have been handled better? Absolutely, but at least the Republicans are doinf something about it. Other than that, Good blog +1 and by the way, I would absolutely vote for term limits.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Sun, 06/24/2007 - 19:41
This is this the politics of the 2000's I don't need proof. LOL
MikeJames's picture
Submitted by MikeJames on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 20:57
Thank GOD! Another conservative! :D MJ
Captiosus's picture
Submitted by Captiosus on Sun, 05/18/2008 - 02:59
@MikeJames I'd totally vote for ya Mike. But I want to see pictures of the impending "White House Game Room" after you're elected. @M13a77: Oh, I don't defend the Clinton administration anymore than I defend the Bush one. It was, after all, Clinton who sat on his ass as a Lame Duck president after the Cole got bombed and basically shrugged it off as "the next guys problem". I agree with you 100%, the Clinton admin did nothing to dissuade terrorism except hurl a couple of bombs - and the only reason he got away with it was because we managed to be in an era of prosperity and terrorism seemed "so far away" , even after Oklahoma City and the first WTC bombing. That is, of course, one of my biggest complaints with the Clinton folk. His only real legacy was being president during a nice economic boom. That said, though, the Republicans currently are doing something, sure, about a war they managed to hoist onto the American public wrapped in the remnants of 9/11 and lathered with rhetoric about security. But I side with the school of thought that our presence in Iraq has done far more harm than good to our security as a whole; It may not happen next week or next year - look how long it took Bin Laden to pull off his coup de grâce, and his publicly stated beef was that we were in Saudi Arabia in 1990. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but still we're not exactly seen as bastions of Good Will over there, and that hurts us in the region in a bad way. No, the Clintons weren't much better. But at least they didn't promote going to war for one reason, get busted for giving us a bogus reason, then gave a second reason which also turned out to be bunk, finally defaulting to a position of "oh well, we're there now".
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 21:52
Ron Paul
italianguy's picture
Submitted by italianguy on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 21:53
come on now.....ron paul......u've got to be kidding.....
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 22:02
My only bitch with him is pro-life. Why do i have to be kidding? :)
italianguy's picture
Submitted by italianguy on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 22:08
ok microscent...i say you've got to be kidding cause you mentioned someone so obscure......lol
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 23:02
I'd love to vote for Ron, but I have to go with McCain. he's a bit liberal for my taste, but atleast he has a real plan.
microscent's picture
Submitted by microscent on Tue, 07/22/2008 - 23:19
I know, I usually vote for people who don't even have a shot. I try. I'm typically republican with democratic tendencies. Not that there's anything wrong with that. LOL
Deman267's picture
Submitted by Deman267 on Wed, 07/23/2008 - 11:05
I would've voted McCain in 2000.His time is past,GWB killed the party.Phill Gramm as economics advisor?No fucking thanks.Let the same crew of Liberty University frat-boys run us further into the ground?No fucking thanks.Let the party that values loyalty over competence keep on"doin' a good job,Brownie"No fucking thanks.More gerry mandering so their friends can get elected,if they can keep from getting indicted?No fucking thanks. The GOP keeps trying to distract people from their monstrous incompetence by focusing on social issues like gay marriage and welfare.Don't be distracted and fall for their bullshit.They laugh at"social conservatives" while their criminal friends loot the treasury. They don't give a shit about anything else than getting elected so they can continue to steal.McCain u8sed to be my fave,but the guys he hangs out with a bunch of crooks. No fucking thanks.
Mulchinator's picture
Submitted by Mulchinator on Sat, 06/23/2007 - 07:08
http://www.unity08.org/ I agree, it's sad when most of the people running for president are millionaires at least 5 or 10 times over. There is very little chance for an average Joe to run.
nomodifier's picture
Submitted by nomodifier on Sat, 06/23/2007 - 10:27
Unity08 is a front group for another billionaire, Bloomberg.

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