Being your Kids Best Friend


Shared on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 10:00

We all have read articles about how trying to be your chhild's best friend isn't the best for them. They need a parent to parent them, not to be their buddy. I knew that going into this big adventure called parenthood, but no one really prepared me for how difficult that is.

Yesterday Erica has a cranky girl. Didn't sleep well, didn't nap well and was an all over cranktopolus (my own word thank you very much). I got a bit upset. She seemed mad at me.  This may or may not be true. I am the person who puts her in the crib wailing and says "I love you, just try to relax, I'll be back in like 10 minutes". Then I sit outside the door and pray she quiets down.  She doens't know that this is really for her own good. I don't take pleasure in her crying (quite the opposite). 

But what I wasn't prepared for was this need to have her love me AND like me.  To make her completely happy 24/7. That isn't possible. In fact it probably isn't healthy.  Maybe it's the fact that I'm home with her so much of the time. She is really my little buddy.  I go everywhere with her. This weekend my husband went costume shopping with her. That was the first time in months I was alone at home. It was great, but it dawned on me how inseparatable Erica and I are. It's both good and bad.

Anyway: she's down for an early nap now (yay!)  Maybe when she wakes up, she'll be all smiles and giggles as usual.


LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 10:31
I have twin girls....the first thing is. Happy is healthy (fed, warm,protected) Second-Love is decipline (knowing right from wrong, teaching them to be responsible) Being a Buddy is letting them make poor choices that will never go corrected. She''ll get mad at'll get mad at her......But know....your love (being her parent, not a buddy) will help her in her long life. My mom gave me this talk when the girls where born..... There was more, but that was the part that stuck....... I'm horrible I know..... Gotta go
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 11:23
Teaching limits and responsibilities is part of the job. Being a buddy is not. You are the one who teaches them right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable. Can't be a buddy to do that! I've got two grown kids with kids of their own and it seemed to have worked!
meemoos's picture
Submitted by meemoos on Mon, 10/15/2007 - 18:51
Just wait until the "I want my daddy" phase hits!!! Frickin' sucks!! But then again...I do have 2 boys.

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