Fun Crap for Kids


Shared on Sun, 06/13/2010 - 08:31

A couple of fun things for those with kids: excellent site where you can mix paint and colour (there are primary colours plus black and white and from there you mix your won secondary colours and tints/shades... Lots and lots of other stuff. Erica is learning mousing skills on this site. Stuff for older kids too... Very clever and inventive site.

Exercise Videos. My Mom had a DVD called "Walk Away the Pounds" its an almsot aerobic routine... but VERY simple . Basically you walk, side step, knee lift and kick back to a steady catchy beat. REally, really easy moves. And, like ALL these DVDs the instructor talks to you like you are a kid... Lemme see... simple movements, catchy beat, talks to you like you are a kid.... Seriously, this DVD is perfect for the under 6 set. Giuve it a try!

You guys got anything a little out of the ordinary for kids?


EDIT: Holy crap... I am doing this DVD with ERica... it is SO perfect for the under 6 set.... so effing perky. Note.... stick pencil in ear and end it all...


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