Learning to Relax


Shared on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 17:50

Erica likes Play doh: I mean she is a human who breathes so of course she likes playDoh. Now, Canadian Tire had a PlayDoh fun factory on the cheap:  so I bought it for her: but I forgot one thing. That piece of engineering is freaking messy! Bits of playdoh everywhere and what is worse: the colours get all mixed together! OMG!  So I just let it go today. Fuck it. Play Doh is cheap. No sense in being anal and trying to keep all the play dohie bits off the floor or in it's own little container. It's gonna be messy, and it's gonna be a mix of colours in a week. But Erica won't mind and that is what is important.  Funny thing is: I'm a slob: why do I care about this anyway?

In other news: check out the front page: there is some information on the site revamp. I have been given the opportunity to help out people if they want to write for the front page. I know I'm not the best writer here, so it's quite an honour.  I can be a sounding board, an editor, a coach: whatever.  But I promise to help anyone who wants it to get their stuff up on the front page.  I find the most rewarding part of writing for 2old2play is knowing that you are helping out the community. Keeping up front page content keeps the site fresh and keeps people coming back. If people keep coming back: geez: they may even become members!

If you have any other general inquiries about helping out for the revamp, let me know. I will be sure to help you out!

And get out to vote tomorrow !


Caduceus's picture
Submitted by Caduceus on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 19:18
Our 4 year old likes PlaDoh. The 2 year old LOVES it. Look for giveaway packs of like 30 little jars on sale after holidays, i.e. orange/green/black/white for Halloween or our favorites - pink/red/white for Valentine's day. That stuff is the bomb.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 11/04/2008 - 06:55
PlaDoh mates make for easy clean up. I know cause we have at least two on the kitchen table where she can play. Now what ever gets on the floor somehow sticks. Not sure, but I usually end up trying to get it up before the dog eats it.

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