Shared on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 18:10Okay... So some evangelicals are upset with Spore... okay... nothing new. I was very surprised, however, because as I understand it, they believe that Spore teaches Evolution. See, from my point of view, Spore is actually an intelligent design game. In fact, I am so sure that this is an intelligent design game, that I am still not convinced that I understand the reasons why the evangelicals have their collective poop in a knot. But anyway: just to clarify a few things:
a) Theory (as in Theory of Evolution) does not mean... "hey we think we have this right". What it means is that it is a conclusion that people have drawn and is able (and has been) proven time and time again. It's a testable model (thank you wiki for being SO much more eloquent than I: kiss, kiss). Remember: science rarely speaks in absolutes, so the science crowd hardly ever says "it is SO", they say "as far as all of the data points to now, this is so. And everything else should back us up"
b) Evolution happens (typically) when the environment changes. In a game sense an evolution game would go like this: a) creatures change all the time in random ways. b) change the environment: c) watch some creatures die off because those random changes didn't help them out, watch other ones live longer have more babies to carry on said genetic traits to the next generation. d) rinse repeat a brazillion times
c) Intelligent design happens when God puts His finger into the pie and changes things around. Just like in Spore: you have a creature: you guide him around, and make him what he is!
So ya: Spore and the evangelical right: I don't get it. In fact I don't get the whole Creationalism/ID crowd. It speaks of arrogance. See: science, due to it's nature, cannot be arrogant. I may really think I know what I am talking about, but I have to prove it in published documents. THEN it doesn't count until someone else can recreate it. I can be as self assured as I can be: in science setting: that means nothing. What counts are the studies
ID on the other hand is arrogant. It assumes that we know the mind of God. That we have Him figured out, that we know what He did 5000 years ago. As far as I am concerned I only know a few things. a) He exists. b) he Loves me, and you. c) He is like WAAAAAY smarter than me. like I mean, Einstein has nothing on this guy. Seriously, when mere humans start to say that they have God's mind figured out. it's time to stop for a sec. Cause we are probably wrong.
- J-Cat's blog
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Submitted by DeadDrPhibes on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 21:19
Submitted by Jmarps on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 20:16