Well... Just asked for Clan Creation...


Shared on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:35

Keep an eye out for the Canadian Clan: 2old2eh. It's odd... this is "minority clan" #2 for me: TheCabal is for women (minority) and 2old2eh is for Canadians (again: minority). But don't worry, I will try to get the guys to still contribute to the hockey forum... you won't lose them.

And yes... One clan is planning on taking over your country, the other is planning on making you all sex slaves.

I'll leave it to you to figure out which is which.


Obviously, I'm kidding, guys...






(we won't take over your country...)


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 10:22
AlbionGal's picture
Submitted by AlbionGal on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 10:22
World Domination one sex slave at a time! Congrats girl!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:37
May I see the slave drivers before making my final decision?
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:38
@lotus. AHEM. You may call me "Dread Sovreign"
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:44
cool eh no dooobt aboooot it
wamam87's picture
Submitted by wamam87 on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:48
this is going to be so much fun. ruled by the women and screwed by the canadians. wait, what? :)
wamam87's picture
Submitted by wamam87 on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:50
oh...and if i play, coach, ref, spectate ice hockey, can i be considered an honerary candian? um...eh?
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:50
dont forget that corbin dallas guy
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 20:52
kevtek17's picture
Submitted by kevtek17 on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 21:16
Don't know if we can trust people who drink milk out of plastic bags.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 21:27
So do we have to show proof of citizenship before we can get in? Or is it like run like Canada and pretty much anyone can get in no questions asked.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 21:31
@Tank We'll talk... :)
P_Train_of_Love's picture
Submitted by P_Train_of_Love on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 22:01
Does Wisconsin get consideration? Everyone thinks I sound Canadian anyway... except for the Ya der hey!
TheCarnivalAngel's picture
Submitted by TheCarnivalAngel on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 22:11
I all did was a search on sex and slaves and this came up.... So I'm for it! A++ trader! Will buy again!!!!!!1!11
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 05/10/2010 - 23:58
Yeah, for that matter I have plenty of Canadian friends, I used to play ice hockey (have the chipped teeth to prove it), know lots of Canadian slang, have watched all the Trailer Park Boys stuff, have no fewer than 4 large Molson and LaBatt tin bar signs in my basement as well as a Molson hockey stick on the wall, have an autographed picture of Patrick Roy, have an original theater one-sheet for "Strange Brew", as well as a copy of the Great White Album ON VINYL, hate Celine Dion, know who the current and past few prime ministers have been and have actually been to Canada. Do I get any consideration?
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 07:26
You guys couldn't afford to take over our country. We will however except up front cash for future consideration though.
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 07:58
OOOOhhhhhhhhh.... Canadians + Sex Slaves..... That's how they came up with the "Mounties"!!!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 08:16
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 08:27
Oh you're nuttier than a Tim Hortons maple log!!!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 09:10
Shit, now I'm craving Tim Hortons coffee, and the nearest one is like 25 miles (or 40 km :) )away.
Fish66's picture
Submitted by Fish66 on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 09:31
Great!! Just what we need, another ...ism. When will the Predigest stop? THIS country is trying to stop all the hate and you are............ Sex Slaves? Never-mind ;) Please include pics

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