You were right 202p: I was wrong


Shared on Tue, 04/08/2008 - 08:59

GDiapers: clogged tiolet: plumber on the way. yes you were right, I was wrong.  This is your one for the year...

We are still using them, but gonna chuck them, not flush them. It's not the stuff the absorbes the pee that is the problem, but the paper-like wrapping that surrounds it.

What else?  Having an Okay time with Crisis Core. It's wierd game though. You have fun when you play it, but when you stop to anaylse it, it's not really all that good. The combat system relies heavily on something called a DMV: basically a random number generator. It controls when you level up, when and what summons/limit breaks and battlefield conditions are in play. so really: almost everything. The story also suffers from your typical JRPG angst and sterotype.  I love my JRPGs, but I am really getting fed up with poor characterization.

I got the scoop on the DLC for Lost Odyssey: would you believe that the official game guide lists the location of some of the accessories as "available on Xbox Live Marketplace"?

That's all that is on the J-Cat front.   How are things in 2o2p land? Hopefully no poop filled backed up toilets there....


LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Tue, 04/08/2008 - 09:13
Crap! now I gootta get that DLC.
SamuraiCoder's picture
Submitted by SamuraiCoder on Tue, 04/08/2008 - 10:16
Downloadable know, like poopy diapers. :)
seanm's picture
Submitted by seanm on Tue, 04/08/2008 - 10:46
Much like the Internet, our plumping is like a series of tubes. See, when you try to push too much through, the tubes can get clogged...
LadyisRed's picture
Submitted by LadyisRed on Tue, 04/08/2008 - 11:03
sorry about the diapers. Looking back I kinda wished I had cloth diapered, but by the time I got granola enough, I was more then half way done and figured it wasnt worth it.

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