

Shared on Wed, 05/23/2007 - 19:22
Once again i spent most of my afternoon playing the Halo3. Still lovin it. I just cant figure out why the banshee is there sometimes and not others? It's unfortunate that the best times to play are during the afternoon and night. Unfortunate because all you hear is "YOU SUCK!" and Different comments about my and everyone else's mother. The new PR system as best i can tell punishes you for leaving a game by taking points away. Does it matter? Well not really except to me. What do stats mean to me? Alot! I'm not sure why though. I mean i wont lose friends or anything like that. They put them in the game so i must not be the only one who likes them. The season finalle is tonight. Oh how i love Lost another vice i picked up while i was over seas. Oh well thats all for now i guess. See Y'all!


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