In other news...


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 14:45

Yesterday was the 1st annual Turkey Olympics at my work & we had a pretty good time..
The events consisted of two-person teams first doing a 3-mile "turkey trot", eating a half-pound of stuffing & two pints of eggnog, doing two small laps with a cup of gravy & not spilling, a turkey "dumbbell press", peeling 4 potatoes & then finally crossing the finish line.

Hector & I made up the team, 'Dingo & The Baby', and we came in 4th place out of about 50 teams.
not too shabby & a shit ton of fun.

i think the stuffing/eggnog tent almost made us puke our insides out but we held it down.

I brought home a free turkey & some goodies.


Last night was the first practice of my clan's Gears of War ladder team & I'm not too sure how it went.
It was my second time playing & since I don't really know the maps or weapon placement, I was easily the worst
person on the team, and for some reason, it seemed as if more criticism was dealt rather than helpful assistance.

I dunno.

The weekend is upon me since I had a halfday today & I'm in the mood for much red bull & vodka, followed by 4 days in a chrome thong & dark sunglasses wondering why there's 3 inches of dirty water & a dead pelican in my living room.

sike. hahaa... i was actually writing about bein' happy and then it just got interesting when I imagined the movie 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas".

happy turkey day..
go bears!



Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 14:48
are you playing with overly competitive people? If so...maybe try out another team or playing with someone else. Shoot me an FR and I'll send you an invite next time we need an extra spot filled. The guys I play with just play to have a good time. Which is how all games should be...but alot of people take it too seriously and take it personally when someone doesnt perform up to their "spec".
Codemunkee's picture
Submitted by Codemunkee on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 15:33
not sure whats up with the comments. They seem mixed up. Gatsu's above me looks like it should be pointed to another blog entry. Same with the one about the Bears. Who happen to suck, by the way.
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 15:41
Ha! Thanks for dissin' my football team & my blog comments.. You're GREAT! and by GREAT, I mean A DICK.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 21:26
Yah dont blog after sharin a bong of primo with Hunter S Thompson and Kerry! And were all GREAT DICKS sometimes. Who are the bears? :)
jasontroyhimself's picture
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 15:28
the Bears!?! hahaa.. those are my Chicago Bears. I may live in Sandy Eggo, but I'm originally a Chi-town man.

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