Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 14:45Yesterday was the 1st annual Turkey Olympics at my work & we had a pretty good time..
The events consisted of two-person teams first doing a 3-mile "turkey trot", eating a half-pound of stuffing & two pints of eggnog, doing two small laps with a cup of gravy & not spilling, a turkey "dumbbell press", peeling 4 potatoes & then finally crossing the finish line.
Hector & I made up the team, 'Dingo & The Baby', and we came in 4th place out of about 50 teams.
not too shabby & a shit ton of fun.
i think the stuffing/eggnog tent almost made us puke our insides out but we held it down.
I brought home a free turkey & some goodies.
Last night was the first practice of my clan's Gears of War ladder team & I'm not too sure how it went.
It was my second time playing & since I don't really know the maps or weapon placement, I was easily the worst
person on the team, and for some reason, it seemed as if more criticism was dealt rather than helpful assistance.
I dunno.
The weekend is upon me since I had a halfday today & I'm in the mood for much red bull & vodka, followed by 4 days in a chrome thong & dark sunglasses wondering why there's 3 inches of dirty water & a dead pelican in my living room.
sike. hahaa... i was actually writing about bein' happy and then it just got interesting when I imagined the movie 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas".
happy turkey day..
go bears!
- jasontroyhimself's blog
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Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 14:48
Submitted by Codemunkee on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 15:33
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 15:41
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 21:26
Submitted by jasontroyhimself on Thu, 11/23/2006 - 15:28