Shared on Sat, 07/03/2010 - 15:06SO I noticed that sarah, one of my 5 cats, has been sort of lazy the past few days. I first attributed it to her just being a lazy cat. This moring I went to check on her & picked her up. She then lets out this complaintive whimper, so Iput her back down & her feet just collapse underneath her. So I took her to the vet & come to find out she's running a fever of 104 (102 is normal for a cat). They loaded her up with iv fluids & a steroid injection & sent us home with some antibiotics . I hope that will do the trick & get her back to normal. If not, I could be looking at a couple of hondred bucks just to figure out what's going on with her.
It's always something isn't it?
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Submitted by Caesar on Sun, 07/04/2010 - 01:08