Call of Duty is a Divisive Game.....


Shared on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:18

I've cannot recall a game that split it's players so much (then again, I never really dipped far into the Halo pool).

From Day 1 you have had the Prestige Camp vs. The 5-star 55 Camp.  Among friends it's a good-natured, jovial ribbing, but online the arguments for and against are heated, and nasty!  I'm a member of the Prestige Pipe Club, although I will never go to the Golden Cross, I like the varying icons. 

Then emerged Hardcore vs. Regular Groups.  I play both.  I don't get why people can't play both.  I set up different loadouts for each one, because of the obvious differences.  But I know friends that have parted ways over this!  Some people ONLY play hardcore.  And if they happen to get pulled into a regular game, they are amazed that it takes a full kill to kill someone.  The same shock is apparent for Regular gamers when they can't even get a shot off before a stray bullet nicks their thigh and they are dead.  The rhythm of both game types is as different as Domination and S&D. 

Now with the new map pack (I shall try not to preen too much over it here, but it badass and I love-love-love it), there are already grumps and groans on the boards about the lack of a hardcore mode.  Surely IW will put out more options later.  Right now I can barely play the maps because I am literally walking around checking everything out. 

Insert cliche about coming together:  Why can't we all just get along?  Or something along those lines.

So to the packs that have split with divisions as deep as the political parties:  Stuff it. 

Mr. Hardcore, just because Mr. Regular needs a full clip to kill someone, doesn't mean he is lacking in skill.  Mr. Regular - Mr. Hardcore doesn't need lower hit points to win, he just prefers it.

Mr. Prestige....ummm...Prestige...(smacks pipe out of Mr. Prestige's mouth).  The glory of repeatedly winning the same challenge is your choice.  But don't fault a 5-star for staying put.  They don't fear the leveling up, they are just very comfortable where they are!

I'd like to hear from you guys.  Which one of these categories do you fall into?  As I am in real-life, I straddle both.  I am a Prestige-HardRegular. I will prestige, but not to the top, and I play both game types equally.


V10L3N7_JAY's picture
Submitted by V10L3N7_JAY on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 18:13
You may be right, but I'm a General now so yay me!
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:21
I prestiged one time and that was enough for me. As far a game type, I could care less. I just like shooting people. I guess I am more a regular kind of guy.
Baine's picture
Submitted by Baine on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:23
I've always enjoyed orange jell-o rather than the traditions red group.
LuxDraconis's picture
Submitted by LuxDraconis on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:25
WTF? This coming from you? You called me a pussy for not flipping prestige "your a pussy for not flipping prestige" to that......your right..LOL!!!
bunsen27's picture
Submitted by bunsen27 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:27
You forgot the public vs private match issue also. :) Yes, you never did delve into the depths of Halo 2 & 3 very far. These COD4 debates are nothing new to a very popular game.
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:31
Ack Bunsen! I can't believe I forgot that one!
MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:31
Holy shit people are still playing this?
Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:34
Prestige and mostly regular. This last time thru, I tried to get 8000 pts in on game. I came one kill short and had to settler for 7444.
Flying_Saffa's picture
Submitted by Flying_Saffa on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:35
I'm same as you. Prestige to about lvl 4 or 5 I thing. That bell that looks like it has a hairy a-hole in the middle. Also play a mix between regular and hardcore.
th3midnighter's picture
Submitted by th3midnighter on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:41
If COD is so divisive, they should move on to a game that brings the community together in a lovefest of sharing, understanding and working as a group towards a common goal. Never have I seen so many different personalities with so many different opinions all mingle into one cauldron of Love. I am obviously speaking of Halo.....Its still Aprils 1st right?
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:46
These types of arguments always slay me. I mean, were suppossed to be "adult" gamers for cying out load.
Go_Aachmed's picture
Submitted by Go_Aachmed on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:46
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 12:48
non-prestige (but if you want to that is cool, just do not shit on me for not doing it). reghard (does not matter, both are cool, S&D sucks balls..1 death then I get to sit out...F that)
YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:13
The Mr. Regular 5-star 55 Camp here
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:27
55'er and regular mode. Mostly Domination. I can't prestige now, if I had done it right away I'd be a level 6 or so. All those wasted XP points! So I'm staying put!
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:37
Double Xp weekend! Do it now!
Eviluncle's picture
Submitted by Eviluncle on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:40
as long as I am playing with my friends I don't care
ripend_turmoil's picture
Submitted by ripend_turmoil on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:49
who gives a f*** let your rifle do all the segregating! shit like that doesnt bother my personality.
SirRoberts's picture
Submitted by SirRoberts on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:54
I would love to hit the golden cross... but I just dont have the time :o(. I will keep filping until something else takes over my time. I play any of the game types, but if I rather play with people I know and objective type games. Nothing like getting 50+ kills on a Domination or HQ game on shipment :o).
LtBlarg's picture
Submitted by LtBlarg on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 13:56
I held out and didn't prestige for a few weeks. Then I did it. Loved it.. I will probably do it at least one more time.
Slider1003's picture
Submitted by Slider1003 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 14:22
Prestige (3rd or 4th time through) and mostly regular modes, but some HC occasionaly. Played last night for first time since RB6V2 came out and it took me a while to get the controls back, but once it was back, realized the differences b/t the 2 games and why I love them both!
ridgerunner97's picture
Submitted by ridgerunner97 on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 14:27
I'm a prestiger, I guess I'm weird because I like the challenge of leveling up all the marksmen on the guns. If I wouldn't advance it wouldn't influence me to change weapons. For me, I say to each his own. I'll play anything.
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Fri, 04/04/2008 - 15:25
I rolled it over, but now that R6 is here, I'm pretty much done with CD4 multiplayer.

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