Confessions of a recovering Bungie Fanboy


Shared on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 07:46

The following was posted on and I thought it was great.  Dark Ronin gave me permission to repost it so all could enjoy.  Might be a new recruit.... :)

I will admit it: I was a Bungie Fanboy. I was all over their site, all over their game, all over their creamy goodness. I played the first Halo to death. Interesting story, good enemy AI, and some nifty looking graphics. Then we discovered multiplayer, and it was on.

Of course, at the time, I realized that the multiplayer was pretty unbalanced. The pistol kills anyone in three shots, and has better range than an assault rifle. In fact, in the first Halo, the only weapon that can hang with a PISTOL is a sniper rifle (yeah, that is as stupid as it sounds.). Oh well, I hear rumors of a new Halo coming out.

And they were true. Halo 2. Oh joy of joys! Multiplayer online? New weapons? The ability to play as an Elite? Sweet! And some nifty support from Bungie's website. Dual wielding! Downloadable maps! This will be something special, right?

So, I waited in line at midnight at my local Walmart, and got myself a shiny new copy of Halo 2 in the limited edition bean-someone-over-the-head metal case. I ditched work for the next day or so and played this marvel of modern game making.

It didn't take long for me to realize that this game had not lived up to the hype. As I played with the Elite skin, I realized that I was getting constantly sniped in the giant Buick-sized head my character was toting around. Wait, you can shoot someone in the gun too? You can blow up a tank with a plasma rifle? The needler STILL sucks?

These little annoying things aside, the thing that got me the most was the fact that this game was absolutely full of people who didn't play by the rules. Modders, cheaters, derankers, all kinds of scum. People who get kicks winning at any cost, and all for the pleasure of saying "Pwned." Gee, that's great that you were willing to pay hundreds of dollars for devices and software that let you cheat at a game for no good reason.

So, I think, Bungie HAS to be all over this, right? I mean, these people are hacking their game pretty good, and they can't be happy! "Swing the banhammer," was a phrase that was trotted out. We're banning cheaters, they claimed. We want to keep the experience pure, they said.

It was soon after that when I realized that they couldn't have cared less. Modders and hackers rose quickly to the top of the leaderboards and stayed there for months. If you played a game over the level of 20, you could expect to play someone who could move at Mach 1, or had a sniper rifle that shot bazooka rounds at SMG speeds. The game quickly became no fun to play at all. When I started thinking about the "banhammer," I got this funny mental image of those plastic toy hammers you give to kids. They look scary, and make lots of noise, but the impact from them is completely laughable. The cheaters would get banned for about 3 days, and be right back to where they were. Some would make new accounts with clever names like "MODDER08" and "IAMAMODDER." They were laughing right in the faces of Bungie and Microsoft.

So, I stopped playing Halo 2. Why bother playing this garbage anymore? If it wasn't cheating, it was "noob-comboing" or "camping" or a million other things that were never addressed. I admit that I am guilty of these things as well, and never claimed otherwise. And the smack talking! Never before has my mother been accused of so much sleeping around with teenage boys who wouldn't know what to do with it if they got it!

And then the hype began: Halo 3. Finish the fight. All this new junk to see and things to do! Buy Mountain Dew Game Fuel, with a giant picture of Master Chief on the label. Go to 7-11 and get a Halo 3 slurpee! Go and get Master Chief underwear from Kohls! Okay, I made the last one up. All I can say is that the marketing department for Bungie must be absolutely incredible to drum up this level of hype.

Unfortunately, I was already burned out at this point and could have cared less. The more ads on TV and the internet, the less I cared. I had already discovered my new home: I was a HUGE fan of COD 2 and 3 (Sorry, but I think the third one is really fun to play and don't care about other opinions in THIS matter), and when I heard they were taking it to the modern era, it was all I could do not to jump up and down like a school girl at prom. The site was interactive, the updates frequent, and what is this? A BETA?

Wow! I get to pre-play a game that totally rocks, AND I don't have to put another crappy game in my system first? For those who don't know what I am talking about, you had to put in Crackdown to play the Halo 3 beta. What a bunch of garbage. All I ever had to do for COD 4 is download it! And they are giving prizes! Got me a swag pack, yep, that's bragging. So there.

So, here's a game that I am totally stoked about, giving prizes and actually working with their community to make their product something special, and then there's Halo 3. A rehash of a game that wasn't stellar to begin with, with a few more features and a bunch of remodeled levels and weapons from the first two installments. The assault rifle is back and weaker then ever. The melee is still spotty at best. The sword is still whored like crazy. The needler still sucks. And I am still unimpressed.

I have watched others play the game, and the only saving grace would be the 4 player co-op. Of course, this makes the game disgustingly easy even at "Legendary" mode. Don't believe me? Party up, and leave one person back. Infinite respawns!

So, to summarize, Halo 3 brings nothing new to the table, whereas Call of Duty does. Yes, I realize the weapons aren't "new", but compared to the theatre of war from the previous 3, they are. The beta was amazing, and this was an UNFINISHED product! I can't get over how cool it was to see my jets streaking in and dropping napalm canisters! And the helicopter! I love it and hate it (but only when it's against me!).

I will probably play Halo 3 this next month when I don't have internet and nothing else to do. But it's just filler until November 6th.

Viva Las Call of Duty!

By Dark_Ronin [GT: x Dark Ronin x ]


Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 07:55
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 07:55
Interesting, GO KOD 4
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 07:57
A fanboy is still a fanboy. What flavour of the week will he jump on tomorrow..? Confessions of a COD4 Fanboy: Or how I learned to love GOW 2..
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 07:59
LMAO - Anonon you are always such a sourpuss.... :p
ekattan's picture
Submitted by ekattan on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:03
I agree with the first half of the blog, knowing it not your's of course. But I feel he really hasn't given H3 a fair chance do to his bad experience with H2 and H1. First of the Needler fucking rocks now. The sword isn't as powerful as H2, you could easily take down an opponent with a sword. I took down a guy yesterday with a Gravity Hammer and all I had was the Mauler. Second I don't know why they would respawn constantly in the campaign unless they keep getting stuck on a wall or you have a friend take off on the warthog and just leave you there. COD4 will be fucking awesome, I can't wait for it to come out. It's my kind of game and the kind of game my clan plays. Real guns and real bullets, no lasers here. But the fact is H3 is a richer game that people will still be playing long after COD4 has come and gone.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:09
wish I felt the same way....Im a recovering bungie fanboy as well. But I didn't find any love in the COD4 beta. I was one of the few that never got into a room due to connectivity issues. So Im not worried about November...I've got Team Fortress 2 to keep me warm. ;)
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:22
@ekattan - the infinite respawns are something I figured out while playing with my 2 year old daughter. While she is looking at the ferns and flowers near the river [FAR from enemy areas] I am blasting through solo. When I die, I respawn right next to her and have quite a hike to get back to the action. My understanding is that you could split screen and sign in a "guest" then leave that character in a safe area. When you move forward safely, it will pull them with you. This was pretty well received on the KOD4 site, I wondered how it would do on a site that isn't locked down to just one game. I think he writes exceptionally well - and it made me laugh [MasterChief underwear at Kohls! I BOUGHT THOSE! LMAO]
DSmooth's picture
Submitted by DSmooth on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:24
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:27
Sorry, but his rant / spiel was inaccurate at best, and uninformed at worst. Needler rocks now. It's easier to get a double kill with the needler than it is with any other mid range weapon. Sword is not whored. At least I haven't seen it whored, unless it's in a swords game. The Sword has been nerfed pretty good. The Assault rifle is stronger than H1, but it it isn't meant for anything other than short to mid range. Melees will always be spotting when playing on Live, due to latency. What maps have been remodeled, other than Last Resort? Honestly, these maps are nothing like H2, and make for a more frenetic and hectic game. And, you didn't have to put a crappy game in to play the H3 beta, that was just the easiest way to get into the Beta. The Elite's hit boxes were the same size as the MC's hit boxes in H2. Honestly, this person sounds like someone who is just bitter that they can't compete in a FPS like Halo. Halo is not COD. Apples and Oranges. Give him a couple of months after the release of COD4, and I bet he'll be bitching about the weapons, maps, and cheaters in COD4.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:30
Gotta link Jeepy?
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:40
I was going to post a long retort to the blog but Soup pretty much summed up everything I was going to point out. It sounds to me though that the timmies on XBL are what ruined the game for him more so then anything else. That's totally understandable. In some respects I agree with him. There are times that H3 feels like a rehash of H2 but I'm guessing that after a while COD4 will feel the same as well. I'm looking to split time between both games though. COD4 looks to be awesome and H3 is a definite upgrade from H2.
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:41
Oh no Soup - if you are going to terrorize him, I won't help. Or you can go here:
Zikan's picture
Submitted by Zikan on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 08:56
The jets dropped cluster bombs, not napalm ... what a n00b ... :)
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:02
you won't get an honest response here since this place is Halo centric, but I also disagree with a lot of what he says and not because I live and breathe Halo because I don't....not even close I am looking forward to CoD 4 more than anything, but I also really enjoy Halo 3 and think it is a well put together game in all areas I suck at it, and only really enjoy playing with clan mates but I think he is just oversteering a bit on his rant
Raiz3R's picture
Submitted by Raiz3R on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:10
Nice Post... But i have to agree with Soup on this. I like Halo 3 but i Love Kod4 its just more of my type of Shooter. But you just can't compare the two. The difference just in health loss alone when getting shot is completely different with these two Games. Example: I can get anywhere from 40 to 50 kills average in a FFA on Kod4. Only because your Enemies die Alot quicker and theres no Respawn Time. Which makes for a much more faster pace Game. The average Player could never get that many Kills in Halo 3 on FFA. Oh and lets not forget the Sprint Button. SIghhhhhhh... You just can' t compare em LoL.....
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:11
I think the needler is much better now but I do miss being able to dual weld it.
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:22
I think I can provide an honest response. I enjoy both game immensely. I think playing MLG Custom games for the past 2 years have given me a better understanding for Halo than the average XBL MM player. The depth of Halo can be learned and achieved. Custom games. But, the games are different. He is comparing apples and oranges. Similar yet different. Oh, and I responded to his thread Jeepy. I think my response was honest and mature.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:46
Even before anyone thinks I have something agains cod4, you are on crack. Cod4 is really great. Now that I have said this: I would have maybe understood more of his point, if his reasons where not full of crap. Every reason he gives for hating halo sounds like he just got frustrated and went crying off like a little kid...whaaaa my elite keeps getting sniped, uh well then play with MC...Whaaa I had to put in the crackdown cd to play the beta...Uh for some, yes you did, you also had the oportunity to get a code to dl the beta...And on that subject, how many beta's where there before H3 for the 360...Um..if I am correct, none. It could be argued if Bungie had not done it, Infinity would not have done it..Cheating, obviously he did not run into anyone standbying in the cod4 beta, I did... I have not problem people not liking a game I love, different strokes for different folks. But at least come up with a compeling argument. And if cod4 first week sales come in over 300 million. Then I guess we could say Bungie did not do a good job with "a rehashed game with same old weapons, and rehashed maps." But I am willing to be a years subscription to live, that is not going to happen. And the final lenth of play and how many times H3 is in the #1 spot of XBL with tell the tail of which is better. Sorry but Dark_Ronin just sounded like he/she was whinning instead of making intelligent post. COD4 is on my must have list, but the majority of my game time will be H3..
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 09:54
I liked the CoD4 Beta. I think it is going to be a great game. Unfortunately, I foresee me playing Halo3 for the next 4 months non-stop and I won't have time to play CoD4.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 10:00
I like Halo. I love GoW. I'm pretty sure I'm going to love Cod4. I don't like RSV and I hate GRAW... And if anybody disagrees with me: You're right too! Perception is truth.
Aonon's picture
Submitted by Aonon on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 10:21
A sourpuss am I. Or, ahead of the pack on calling shenanigans on the fanboy. 8-P
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 11:09
touche Aonon.....but you are always kinda grumpy.... and Tara - I love it you are an OmniGamer...the new O.G.!
Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 11:14
This is off the topic some but it's some thing that gets me confused. MC has this futuristic armor but he has to use a flashlight. Sam Fisher has night vision so why can't MC.
rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 11:18
I agree Soup, apples to oranges for sure
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Wed, 10/10/2007 - 11:43
I love both, but the damn sword is pretty heavily used in 2v2. Damn power weapons- you never have enough distance to counter that lunge on many of those playlist maps. I found myself getting really frustrated last night in ranked. And having to take lessons to get decent at something is aggravating. Juggy baseball, anyone? :D

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