Day6: Coasting


Shared on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:07

I'm just rolling along now. Bit of a headache, but I can't really tell if it is from lack of smoking or the intense emotional hurricane I survived last night from a fellow PMS clan member. The dreams seemed to be a little worse, but at least it helps me get up in the morning! :)

I've always wondered if there have been studies on the effects of having personal relationships over Live. Not just the bad ones, but the good ones too. It was killing me last night not to be able to reach out and hug my friend who was literally breaking down. At the same time I was dealing with a low, my husband was playing RockBand and giggling his ass off, lamenting that the guys didn't live closer. When you meet really awesome people on Live, it SO sucks that they live so far away. At the same time, I think you get to know the REAL person. Without the weight of their job, their kids, their looks, their clothes, their financial status. It's all talking. Which is why at the LAN last year you saw me tackle people I had never seen before. :) I wonder if this has a long term affect? Does it close the gamer off from local experiences? Oppurtunities? Does it disconnect them, at least socially, from their immediate area?

I can tell you I know my neighbors first names, but even though we share location, financial status, and parenthood, we don't really talk. I've lived there for ten years! Even our real life best buds live an hour away. Hmmm, maybe it's just me. Maybe we need to move. :)

What are your thoughts on this?



-------------Upcoming Important Events!------------------


LLS Tournament! I am participating in a tournament to raise funds and awareness for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)

COD4 -(Sat) 2/7/09 8pm CST
Halo 3 - (Sun) 2/8/09 8pm CST
Rockband 2 - (Sun) 2/15/09 3pm CST


This Weekend!  Carolina Games Summit LAN 2009! Wish me luck!


millfire517's picture
Submitted by millfire517 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:19
hey when i quit smoking i bought a shitload of those red and white pepperment hard candies. for some reason when i got the urge one of those little mints suppressed it. might give it a try.
jackal857's picture
Submitted by jackal857 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:21
I have the same problem my close friends that i know personally live an hour away. I have good friends on live that i enjoy hanging out with and i get to talk to them more on live than i do my other friends.
PeepshowJanitor's picture
Submitted by PeepshowJanitor on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 12:29
Congrats Gee-Pee! Kicking the habit is a bitch and a half, so it makes me happy to hear that you are taking strides to change some of the subconcious patterns that go hand in hand with your smoking habits! (Good god, I sound like a shrink!) Hope to see you and Fret over the summer! I have a plan brewing! Details soon! W3RD! p.s. We almost pissed ourselves rocking out on RB2 the other night. Drunk had to sing a song that sounded like Cookie Monster on a Coke Binge! That's why Fret was laughing so hard! Good Times!
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 12:25
@millfire, I do have some of those. Supposed to really help if you were a Menthol fan like I was. They seem to help get by an urge. Thank you!
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 13:04
Good topic. I think online friendships are mostly good. But bad if they replace real-life friendships. I've become friends with people that I never otherwise would have for whatever reason online, and that is very cool. And these friendships are meaningful and largely without baggage. But on the other hand, people have an innate need to give/receive a hug, receive a pat on the back, or just see another person smile...And you can't do that online. So as long as there's balance...I think it's all good.
Nighthawk70's picture
Submitted by Nighthawk70 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 14:02
Congrats on the quitting.. hard as hell to do it. Tried many many times with help, last time just went cold turkey. What a RIDE.. next month will be 3 years for me after over 12 smoking. Hang in there! You can do it! (a little Rob Snyder impression). Oh yea.. the peppermints and Extra bubble gum flavored gum is my friend!
FreynApThyr's picture
Submitted by FreynApThyr on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 14:22
Congrats on Day Six Jeep. Headaches are an uncommon but statistically significant side-effect of Chantix. Keep an eye on your BP and let your doctor know about it. Prior to this house my wife and I lived in an apartment complex for fifteen years. After the first three or four waves of neighbors we just started ignoring them. Now we're in a neighborhood I'm making up for lost time carrying groceries and shoveling sidewalks and shit. My wife still ignores them though.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 16:03
Jeep: check out Em's blog. 84 days smoke free and she has saved over $800. w00t! As to the social aspect... I love the Live social network. Especially when I was on Mat leave and snowed in last year: I needed to be able to reach out and talk to another human about things other than poop, diapers and more poop.
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 17:59
Oh J-Cat... $800? That's $10 a day... like 3 packs! HOLY CRAP! For me it's more like $1.50 a day. lol But hella good either way!
pearly_54's picture
Submitted by pearly_54 on Tue, 02/03/2009 - 18:35
As you know, Jeepy, I have gone on at least one road trip to actually meet some of the people I have met online and become close to. And the LAN was the same, friends I've never met. You are one!
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 02/04/2009 - 04:51
Good job on the not smoking, Jeep! When I quit, I put all of the money I saved by not smoking in a little out of the way place until I had enough to start a bank account. The money I had at the end of a year was enough to buy my first horse ($1000).

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