So Far So Good....and Abusing the System


Shared on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 11:15

The Ultimate Ban Hammer:

XBL. You log in. The fatal blade pops up and informs you that your account is suspended. There is no reasoning behind it! Maybe you were on vacation. Maybe you hadn't logged into that tag for months. Maybe you play without a mic. Your bio is blank, your gamertag is nothing offensive. Either way, you can't wrap your head around why you would get suspended when you can't think of what you did wrong.

Months ago this happened to me. Since then I have read blogs of others this has happened to. Ran across forums posts typically entitled "WTF? Banned?!?!?". The majority of these I have found are female gamers.

Stay with me now. I'm not going where you think I am.

Female gamers. I cannot say all, but most of the time it turns out that the reason for the banning is what you guys know well as the Ban Hammer. Another woman, mad-angry-jealous-bored, gathers a posse together and spams bad feedback and complaints. It's an abuse of the system, and one that just happened to a friend of mine.

Luckily XBL is getting smarter about these things. They looked at her account, saw that she hadn't logged in for several days, and saw multiple complaints. Each complaint matched up to a friend request that was entered, and then withdrawn after the complaint was filed. It was obvious to the XBL rep that this account had been falsely accused! So they removed the ban immediatly.

I am glad that XBL is finally owning up to the potential abuse of the feedback system and is willing to withdraw suspensions that don't make sense. I am appalled, but not surprised, that most of these are Chick on Chick crime. Yeah, it sounds kinda hot at first, but don't go there guys.

As long as XBL can continue to evolve their policies to best meet the demands of the its suscribers, I will have this system. 3RLOD or not.

Dinner last night - Chicken with pasta (Hubby cooked YaY!)
Breakfast - Yogurt, Water
AM Snack - Banana, Water - First smoke at 11:30am!
Lunch - Chicken Soft Taco extra extra lettuce! Smoke
PM Snack - Apple, Water


Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 11:22
chick on chick is hot lol i didnt know this was an issue, i mean of have heard of here and there people getting banned, but this sounds like its going on all the time. is that true?
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 11:30
I know 7 girl gamers this has happened to in the past year. Know them, as in they are on my friend's list. In addition to that, each week there is a least one posted up in a forum I frequent. It seems to happen a lot!
aimzb's picture
Submitted by aimzb on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 11:43
Blah blah blah blah blah blah Chick on Chick blah blah blah blah blah. You should know better than to post that phrase on your blog Jeep!
ladynightshade's picture
Submitted by ladynightshade on Tue, 06/17/2008 - 12:34
Yup, yup, know the feeling. Glad to see Xbox is actually ADMITTING that you can abuse the system in this way (you know up to this point, they've denied it can be done). Now maybe we'll get some help when this stuff happens.

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