Shared on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 17:41I have been playing Tourist Trophy since I got it however need to tell a funny story about what happened when I put it in my PS2 the first time:
I put the disk in after powering up the PS2. The Browser screen came up...but it just stayed there. Sometimes it does that so you have to enter the browser and it will show you the memory cards and any disks in the system. It was showing my memory cards (had one in each slot) and nothing else...NO DISK I tried ejecting the tray and reinserting it...to no avail. I put my GTA disk in and no go either. Now I am getting frustrated. ; I checked all the connections...even went so far as to put a disk in my PS1 and putting the switch box on that system...which was working just fine. So I switch back to the PS2 and still get no load of the disk...I thought maybe the time or something needed adjustment due to being unplugged for a short time when I moved stuff around to accomodate my 360. I tried that and still NOTHING. ;; NOW I am ANGRY!!
When all else fails, start beating on the hardware. I hit it on top and on the sides with my hand...then flipped it over and slammed it pretty hard on the speaker it sits on....At this point I didnt care if I broke it because in my opinion it already was! Of course, I did this without the disk in....finally gave up and went to dinner with my husband. I was pissed all thru dinner that I would have to fork out $150 if I wanted to play this game! Grrrrr Really didnt want to buy a new one with the PS3 coming out at some point in the future....
So we get home and I figure what the hell...let me try again. I put my GTA SA disk in and lo and behold, it began loading the game! I was shocked to say the least especially after knocking the PS2 around pretty hard. So I put Tourist Trophy in and attempted to play....I say attempted because by this time I had had a few beers and was feeling pretty buzzed. Definately too drunk to drive a motorcycle even on a video game. I crashed ALOT.
I was able to play it sober the next day.... Better get back to work and will have to save my review of the game til later.
But I have to give Sony props for building an awfullly sturdy game system! ;; I cant imagine it still worked after what I did to it. ;;
- Jett_Fuel's blog
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Submitted by SirPoonga on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 17:54
Submitted by Jett_Fuel on Tue, 04/18/2006 - 18:56