Calling in sick.


Shared on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 11:54
We have all done it at one time. Sometimes, just because you don't feel like going in. Me personally, I will only call in when I am puking my guts out. I just cannot function that way.  I am very sure my co-workers and customers would not want to see me hurling into a garbage can all day. But, if you have a head cold, take some medicine, and get your ass to work. Dog died? Sorry for you loss, but bury the dog, and get to work. You have to re-arrange your house and move some stuff around(I have actually had someone call in and try to use this excuse)? I don't give a shit, get your ass to work and you can do that on YOUR own time. My personal favorite is the can't work on Sunday because of church. Wait, didn't you tell me in your interview and put down on your application that you COULD work on Sundays? No problem, I will just reduce your hours where you will have plenty of time to "go to church". These are excuses from workers at least over 23 years old.I won't accept any of these lame excuses.

My assistant manager was bitten on his left leg by a brown recluse spider. This was in 2006. There is now a HUGE hole in his leg not only from where the spider bit him , but the many surgeries he has had to try and repair the veins in his leg to get right amount of blood flow back into his leg. He is in constant pain. Goes to the doctor constantly for pain pills and treatment, but the leg just will not heal.  I have seen this grown man( when I say grown man 33 years old about 6'3" 300lbs ex-football player who loves games), cry from the pain in his leg after he bumped his leg on a box in our store. Now this man comes to work EVERY day. No excuses. He could call in and I would totally understand why he could not come into work that day. He has another surgery planned for May the 9th and if that surgery does not work, then he might need to have his leg amputated.

Here's what a brown recluse spider can do to your thumb:

Pretty damn nasty. So , the next time you think of calling into work, think of all of the people out there who go to work every day without any excuses.


utmountnbiker's picture
Submitted by utmountnbiker on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 13:51
Sometimes I feel low unemployment is more of a curse than a blessing. It not just tough to find employees with a good work ethic, it's dang near impossible. BTW - Thank you for feeding my immense fear of spiders! I'm 6'5", 235 lbs and still jump like 10 year old girl if I see a spider. "Honey, will you come kill this spider"?
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 14:33
Damn that was NASTY!
Bertt's picture
Submitted by Bertt on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 19:38
Although I understand that when a person calls in sick, others have to pick up the slack or fill in, and that is a pain in the ass, AND I agree that frivilous excuses are lame... I think that people who get sick should stay at home until they are no longer contagious. I would gladly fill in for someone rather than end up with their shit.
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:08
Amen brother. I feel the same way.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:12
Ouch , Guess that person wont be gaming for awhile.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:15
holy eff warn a gal... ewww.....
Durty's picture
Submitted by Durty on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:33
CRASHFIRE's picture
Submitted by CRASHFIRE on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:46
Drunk_on_151's picture
Submitted by Drunk_on_151 on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:55
I actually know someone who was bitten by a brown recluse on the side of his, um.... equipment. He's in the army and didn't check under the seat in the latrine. Now he has a triagular scare(they cut out the infection) to show the ladies. ;)
TheCarnivalAngel's picture
Submitted by TheCarnivalAngel on Tue, 04/22/2008 - 12:55
Yeah, I blogged about that shit before...I had a woman call in on Friday, but since we weren't busy and I could get away with one maid I said alright. She called in the next day saying her husband told her she was too sick to come into work. "Oh really? Your husband is a preacher AND a doctor? Where does he practice? I'm gonna make an appointment right now." What the hell you fire them and hire a mexican who really wants to work.

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