To go along with the topic...


Shared on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 14:52
of my last blog, here is an example of the idiots I have to deal with at work every day. Customer comes into the store, sells a few items, then asks if he can use our phone. Trying to be nice(mistake), I let the guy use our phone. While I am waiting on the next customer, the guy using the phone calls his work and tells them this" Yeah man, I am DEATHLY ill. I can't make it in today. Yeah,  I work on so and so's shift, blah blah." Well most of you know from my last blog about how I feel about calling in sick. The customer that I am waiting on  looks and just starts laughing. The douchebag who is on our phone, then WALKS outside with the phone and proceeds to  call other idiots. WTF? So, not wanting to be rude to the customer I am waiting on, I just keep an eye on the idiot outside, and finish the transaction. Fucking moron walks back inside and just puts the phone on the counter and walks out. Not even saying "Thanks". I need a new job before I start hating humans worse than I already do. :D


jikado's picture
Submitted by jikado on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 15:04
There's something wrong with your blog avatar, it doesn't show up at the top of the page. Good blog, though.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 15:22
get out of retail. thats the only way to really get any tolerance for humanity back.
SUPimp's picture
Submitted by SUPimp on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 18:04
That guy is a joke. On the other hand I take it that neither you nor anyone in your family has worked in health care, specifically infection control. Many studies have shown that people coming to work while sick causes more loss and down time then if they would have stayed home for the day or two.
wilderz's picture
Submitted by wilderz on Thu, 08/07/2008 - 14:32
nice... I take it that you nor anyone one in your family has ever looked up 'tact' in the dictionary. Why go off on someone's family for one person's post?
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 21:59
Move to Cali. I'll get you job in purchasing, so you can be the annoying guy placing orders on the other end of the phone. Of course, you'll be ordering rocket parts, so it's got that going for it. :D
JohnnyBoyFloyd's picture
Submitted by JohnnyBoyFloyd on Tue, 05/13/2008 - 22:11
SUPimp: I'm not talking about people with legitimate excuses for being sick(see below post) , but about idiots that call in sick, just to call in. I take it that you nor anyone in your family has worked in something called common sense. Read a little closer next time.

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