Almost Turkey day, lol...


Shared on Tue, 11/22/2011 - 05:01
GungalTM of the Day

Video game GungalTM needs some better body armor...


    Spending the first Thanksgiving at home with my wife, and it's awesome!! On Thanksgiving, as noted in the blog earlier in the week, we're marking one year together! It's a wonderful coincidence that we're having Thanksgiving and our anniversary - the real, one year anniversary - on the very same day!! It's funny, but our relationship has been full of those awesome coincidences!! Effie, baby, I love you!! Looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together!!      Not much gaming news to report, as I was just too pooped on Sunday night to do any gaming. I stayed up during the day, and my lovely Missus and I got a lot of Christmas shopping out of the way. We focused on kids, since we can't afford to do kids and adults. We decided to a 'family gift' thing, and it might be the best idea since sliced bread, lol. 
Happy birthday, Matt!!

    Today, we also celebrate the birthday of my longtime friend and gaming buddy, Matt!! Oh, the years we've happily wasted in front of our TVs, making AI controlled enemies bite the dust!! We're still waiting for our big lotto payoff, tho. That will be the one that takes us to Paris, and our mutual gaming Nirvana: Donkey Kong in France! Happy birthday, brother!! Moving on...



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