And almost home... Awesome!


Shared on Sat, 12/10/2011 - 02:24
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM Bayonetta cosplay is teh awesome...
    As this auto-posts on the HQ, I should be just minutes from home!! Sometimes the three night weeks drag even more than the four-bangers, and this was certainly one of those. But it's OK, because just minutes after the blog update, I'll be sitting with my honey, having morning coffee to fortify myself for one final Christmas shopping mission with my beloved Effie and her Mom!! Lord, baby, I love you!! It's wonderful to come home to you!!
      Not much gaming news to report. I got on for just a little bit before work yesterday to play Unreal Tournament 2004 deathmatch on my laptop. I'm going to have to turn off the weapon auto switching, since it often takes my best weapon (a Ballistic mod SMG) away at the worst possible times, lol. Moving on...


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