And another Tuesday...


Shared on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 06:00
GungalTM of the Day

 Angelic GungalTM takes aim with her shorty AR...


    Back to work tomorrow for a three night rotation, and I'm dreading it a little, as my Sweet Gal and I have surely been spoiled by all the holiday time spent together. Even being sick for half the holidays, it was still wonderful to be home together. Still, bills have to be paid, so it's off to work we go, lol.
   On New Year's Day, we did manage to have a bit of my family's old traditions: My beloved Effie and I shared Asturian sidra and turron with our son and his missus after everyone went off to bed. It was wonderful, and I was glad that my Effie enjoyed the traditional Spanish nougat candy I'd loved as a boy.
      As it happens, I'm temporarily on my own this AM, as my Sweet Effie got called in for a few hours at work. So, I'm missing her tremendously right now, and I'm counting the hours till she gets home!! Moving on...


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