And another wet Thursday...


Shared on Thu, 10/20/2011 - 03:26
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM should know no mag is not an excuse for poor trigger finger discipline...


    My wife and I will be tied up today with a medical appointment, so this blog entry is being cooked up in the wee hours beforehand. Am I settling into married life? It feels as if we've been married forever (in a totally good way, lol!). We have much in common and share many likes and dislikes. Everything about being together, realtionship-wise, has been easy. We're peas in a pod, for sure.
   On the gaming front, my Sweet Gal helped my toon pick up a couple of more laff points on Toontown yesterday. We finally had time to play online together after so much running around for the wedding. It was a blast, tho we almost got sent back sad to the playground by some tough cogs, lol. My gal also picked up Professor Layton and the Last Specter for the Nintendo DS/3DS yesterday, and she's moving through the puzzles on that game briskly. Watching her play (I have no head for puzzle games), the quaint animations and music were very nicely done, but, after a while, there was the feeling of 'Get on to the next puzzle!' while the characters were still chattering away. While we were at the local GameStop, I broke down and pre-ordered a copy of Modern Warfare 3 for myself. Moving on...
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