Shared on Wed, 01/25/2012 - 08:39GungalTM of the Day
Uzi GungalTM should know smoking is bad for her, uh, lungs...
Back to work today for the ever-dreaded four night rotation. I'm hoping the week will go quickly for us, bringing my Sweet Gal and me back together on Sunday morning!! I already can't wait to come home to her again!!!
Junior was sick much of Monday night, but he seems to be a lot better now. His tummy was apparently upset by something he ate, making for a miserable night for him and his Mom and Dad.
On the gaming front, I installed Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on my travel laptop, tho I haven't had a chance to actually play it yet. I played MoH: AA a long, long time ago. As I recall, it was another instance of an in-game console cheat breaking the game narrative. I was in a 'sniperville' level, where literally any move in any direction resulted in taking a bullet in the ass. I used God mode to get thru it, and I broke the game, lol. Moving on...
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 1 January 2012 on yomega260
Call of Duty Links:
- [Twitter] From fourzerotwo: 'Shotguns buffed, Striker nerfed'.
- [Image] New DLC 'Piazza' map overview image, plus Salma Hayek cleavage. (Original image link credit: vegasapril17 on Reddit MW3.
- Activision stock price increase on strength of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 sales.
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] Resident Evil 6 Pandemic trailer.
- Resident Evil franchise wants to attract more Call of Duty players. Also this: [Producer: Resident Evil: Revelations should have a number in its title.]
- [YouTube] Guild Wars 2 Mesmer reveal video.
- [YouTube] New trailer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha.
- Latest Xbox update limits streaming video to 720p except for - wait for it! - Zune marketplace videos.
- Microsoft to discontinue the Xbox Live Microsoft points system.
- [YouTube] Battlefield 3 WTF Moment of the Day, Part 4.
- [Image] Mad Moxxi Borderlands cosplay.
Non-Gaming Links:
- NASA publishes an 'Orbital Debris Quarterly' newsletter.
- [Nano-news] British researchers develop method of separating carbon nano-tubes cheaply.
- What happened to all the snow? Not missing it much...
- Scientists engineer microbes that make biofuel out of brown seaweed. Also covered on Science News.
- Scientists design solar cells that exceed traditional light-trapping limits.
- Judge in Colorado rules you have to decrypt your laptop for the police.
- [Life Hack] Cut open your oatmeal package upside down and it's a waterproof container you can eat directly out of. Except for scalding your fingertips, it's a pretty neat idea...
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by ImMrPete on Wed, 01/25/2012 - 10:27
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 01/26/2012 - 01:35
Submitted by ImMrPete on Thu, 01/26/2012 - 16:55