And the four-banger work week starts up...


Shared on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 15:06


GungalTM of the Day

Halo GungalTM needs more Mjolnir armor...


    It's back to work for me on the ever-dreaded four night work rotation. With Easter falling this Sunday, tho, I plugged in a few hours on Saturday night. My tentative plan is to head back to the Albany pad and crash for a few hours before rocketing back home to my Sweet Gal bright and early on Easter Sunday!! Effie, honey, I love you!! I'll be home on Sunday!!





    On the gaming front, I had a nice piece of nostalgia yesterday. While my lovely missus baked some Easter cookies, I grabbed my laptop and took Call of Duty 4 multiplayer out for a spin. I was amazed to find that I connected to a hardcore free-for-all server and did not too bad for my rusty self. I hadn't set up any keyboard controls, so I didn't know where the flipping 'Sprint' button was. I also found that my - ahem! - bifocals were a pain in the butt. But I didn't do half bad! I wasn't positive, but I was pleased enough. If time permits, I'll update my keyboard controls and try that again. Moving on...


        Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video



Uploaded 30 March 2012 on HiddenMasters




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    (Original image link credit: captgrizzlybear on Reddit Gaming)


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    GUL74's picture
    Submitted by GUL74 on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 15:10

    I love the

    YEM's picture
    Submitted by YEM on Wed, 04/04/2012 - 16:29

    Me too!

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