Shared on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 00:41GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM Jordan Carver shows off a couple of guns...
As this posts on the HQ, the second of three nights is over, the last work day is here, and I'm likely crawling into the sack. Tomorrow morning, come rain, snow, hell, or high water, I'm going home to my beloved Effie!! We have plans for tomorrow to go out to dinner with Mama and Papa Joker over at Dead Lobster, so we're hoping that comes off without a hitch.
Noted in today's game news is a report that the long delayed Half-life 2 mod, Black Mesa: Source, may see the light of day after all. As previously mentioned on the blog, Black Mesa: Source is a retelling of the original Half-life storyline, but rendered in the much improved Source graphics engine. Since I've been procrastinating buying yet another copy of Half-life, this may put me right over the edge, since the original Half-life game in Source has never really been done. I haven't touched Half-life 2, BTW, since I got stuck on Highway 17 being stung in the butt repeatedly by the antlions. Maybe I'll have a chance to retry that level this weekend, in between lashings of Call of Duty, lol.
Speaking of Call of Duty, a hurried Google search for the wifi connection problem I had with the Wii and Call of Duty: Black Ops indicated I had to create a new online profile and then try to load multiplayer to get it to work. We'll see. Matt64 had given me a gift card for GameStop way back when, and I'd done an impulse buy there the other day while shopping on the way home. Guess if the issue can't be resolved, the money will go right back on the gift card, since I've already played the Black Ops campaign once, and multiplayer is the only attraction left for that game, lol. Moving on...
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 31 January 2012 on RiotGuyPSN
Call of Duty Links:
- [Twitter] Infinity Ward starts discussion on Modern Warfare 3 'spawning next to enemy'. Maybe they could move from 'discussing' to 'fixing' eventually...
- [Video] Robert Bowling's guide to getting better at Modern Warfare 3. Related Reddit MW3 thread 'Randomly amazing situational skills'.
More Gaming Links:
- [Wishful thinking?] Black Mesa: Source is coming sooner than expected - and we're not kidding. Also covered on Kotaku.
- Play Half-life 2 this weekend to get Valve's attention for Half-life 3. Also covered on Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
- [YouTube] Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Creation Kit preview.
- Skyrim workshop could bring mods to the masses like never before.
- Five of the worst trends from this console generation.
- [YouTube] One hundred year old woman stays sharp by playing on a Nintendo DS.
- [Feature] The twenty-five greatest breakthroughs in video game history.
- [DeviantArt] One hundred beautiful Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword illustrations.
- Five moments of recent video game stupidity.
Non-Gaming Links:
- 'Alien' matter beyond the Solar System is spotted by NASA probe.
- Hubble videos reveal what flying into a nebula would really look like.
- How NASA solved a $100,000,000 problem for $5.
- Could climate change be putting The Groundhog out of business?
- [Nano-news] Scientists develop 9nm carbon nanotube transistor.
- Obesity reduces the size of your brain.
- Johns Hopkins researchers studying a troubling source of resistant pathogens - the American farm.
- Resignations, fallout from recent bizarre scientific publications.
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by GUL74 on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 01:51
Submitted by Joker961 on Sat, 02/04/2012 - 00:29
Submitted by GUL74 on Sat, 02/04/2012 - 00:44