And, today, not moving, after all...


Shared on Mon, 12/05/2011 - 06:30
GungalTM of the Day

 IDF GungalTM likes the 'wind-blown' look...


    It's wonderful to be home again!!! Coming home to my beloved wife is so amazing, so incredibly wonderful, that no words can possibly describe the joy and fulfillment it gives. My wife and I had an awesome day just hanging. Our son, Chris, made an awesome chili con carne. I loved it, tho it was a bit spicy for my Effie. I made it to around 8 PM before I started nodding. I wasn't able to watch much of Survivor. Being warm and snug in bed was just too much for me, lol.
      Got a junk run planned for this AM, as there's a ton of stuff to get tossed out over at the old HQ. I'm hoping to have the storage place albatross off my neck before the beginning of the year. One good piece of news came through this AM, tho. My long-time roomie has decided to stay on at the Albany pad for another year, which will mean no apartment hunting for me in the coming year. That was pretty awesome news in itself, as I hate moving with a bloody passion. Moving on...


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