Shared on Sun, 11/06/2011 - 01:17GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM is quick on the draw, lol...
As this auto-posts on the HQ, I'm on my way back home to my beloved Effie!! It's been a long, hard work week, but everything is right with the world now!! The weekend is here (tho it was delayed by an extra hour of work due to the daylight savings switch), and my wife and I plan to spend a few days of rest and recuperation together. We'll try to get some chores done along the way, too, lol.
As I mentioned the other day, my Unreal Tournament 2004 install on my laptop was having issues with my HDTV. As it turned out, a simple edit of the UT2004.ini file to change the default screen resolution and field of view was all that was required. The game splash screens are distorted, but the game now plays with the correct widescreen aspect ratio on my 1366x768 HDTV/monitor at the Albany pad. I'll try it on the bedroom HDTV when I get home. I'm playing about 30-60 mins a day, just to unwind a bit before going to bed after work.
Just two more days before the release of Modern Warfare 3. I can't say anticipation is exactly building, lol, but I'm looking forward to playing the campaign anyway. I might need to invest in a wireless adapter for home, tho, if I move the Xbox to my hearth and home from the old HQ bunker. Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 3 November 2011 on iFlyILLINI
Call of Duty Links:
- Jonah Hill live action Modern Warfare 3 ad.
- K-Mart sold Modern Warfare 3 early and copies wound up on eBay. But playing early might get you banned. [Op-ed] Five reasons Modern Warfare 3 won't disappoint. But [Spoiler warning!] a leaked video indicates Infinity Ward might have included an MW2-ish shocker in the storyline.
More Gaming Links:
- [YouTube] Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand trailer.
- Original Zelda game in development for the Nintendo 3DS. Awesome!! Another game to gift to my Gamer Gal!!
- New Zelda: Skyward Sword art shows interesting 'things'. Also covered on GameSpot.
- Obsidian boss brands Online Pass a 'gimmick'.
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution sells 2.18 million units.
- [Study] Gamer kids are more creative.
- [Feature] The ten most delayed games (and whether they were worth the wait). Team Fortess 2 was originally meant to be a CoD-style class-based team game... Wish it had been...
Non-Gaming Links:
- Hubble directly observes accretion disk around black hole.
- Cancer found in 2,000 year old mummy. I'm guessing treatment is out of the question...
- Disturbed Medieval graves may have been opened for surprising reasons.
- Spy software can see smartphone texting real time (with video). No privacy...
- [YouTube] A steam engine made entirely of glass.
- X-Men: First Class to get a sequel. Cue the ret-conning in 3, 2, 1...
- R.I.P., Andy Rooney.
- Joker961's blog
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Submitted by YEM on Sun, 11/06/2011 - 07:51
Submitted by Joker961 on Mon, 11/07/2011 - 06:42