And the week moves on...


Shared on Fri, 10/28/2011 - 01:04
GungalTM of the Day
GungalTM does her best Elvis imitation, sneer and all...
    As this auto-posts on the HQ, the second work night is over, and I'm crawling into bed to get some much-needed shuteye. But tomorrow, after a short nap, I'll be heading home to my wife, my Sweet Gal!! I can't wait to come home!! Effie, I love you, darling!! I'll be home tomorrow. Awesome!!
     On the gaming front, the days are marching inexorably towards the Modern Warfare 3 release. But no standing in line in the cold for me, not this time. I was somewhat disappointed ultimately by Modern Warfare 2, especially the single player, which I found to be an incoherent mess with a buttload of moments which made me go, WTF?!? in utter disbelief. Call of Duty: Black Ops turned out to be better for the single player campaign, but decidedly the worse for me in multiplayer. I couldn't get the hang of the game at all, tho Matt rose to new heights of prowess in the game and Reibo was as dominant as usual. Nowadays, time is a factor and there are lots more important things to occupy my time, lol. I'll give the game a spin during November and see what happens. I can't see myself dedicating the amount of time I previously did to hardcore FPSing. It would be even more of an investment in time to migrate from mouse/keyboard to console controller, so I don't think that's happening, either. We'll see.
     BTW, the inclusion of a Battlefield 3 video with the always entertaining ElPresador isn't meant to be a sign of some gaming transition. It's just for fun. Moving on...


Featured Battlefield 3 Video
Uploaded 26 October 2011 by ElPresador
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