Another Day, another Chobot!


Shared on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 04:35
 Field of Dreams...

    Well, the first day on the job turned out to be a surprise. Rather than the 8 hr day my offer letter specified, it turned out to be a 12 hr day - something for which I was not prepared. I had anticipated being able to spend a couple of hours after work finished (at 3PM) taking care of business. Instead, I limped back to the hotel after 7PM. The next couple of days will likely be the same.
    It wasn't long after going into the fab that I decided I was going to have to shave off my beard and mustache. Otherwise, I'll have to wear a beard cover (a thin gauze-like cover that you wear over facial hair to prevent you from contaminating the super-clean room environment). It's pretty damn uncomfortable, I can tell you.
    It's a good sign that everyone - and I mean everyone - likes working at CNSE. Most places you start a job off and there's a couple slagging off the company. Not there. Everyone was uniformly pleased with every aspect of the job. I'm hoping to follow suit myself. The current tribulations I'm undergoing will pass away, but the sunny welcome I got on my first day on the job will stand out in my memory forever.


Featured MW2 Video
 Team FeaR vs Dominance - CTF Highrise

Uploaded 23 May 2010 on Machinima


    Again, my appy-polly-lodges for the abbreviated blog update. On an unexpectedly long work cycle my first week, so please bear with me.

    On to the CoD links:
If It Were Realistic: Throwing Knives (MW 2 Machinima)
Uploaded 23 May 2010 on Machinima

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Uploaded 24 May 2010 on IGN Entertainment

Does Jessica like Japanese plushies?

Yes, she certainly does!
 He's totally tripping balls on Xbox Live.


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Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 05/27/2010 - 00:47
As luck would have it, I'm staying at a hotel at 42 Wolf Road. And I brought my towel with me. ;-)
buckeye75's picture
Submitted by buckeye75 on Wed, 05/26/2010 - 05:46
I can not believe I missed towel day. I'll have to make up for it today.

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