Shared on Fri, 06/11/2010 - 05:30Featured Video
OpTic Nation's Top 5 Kill Cams - Week 9
OpTic Nation's Top 5 Kill Cams - Week 9
Uploaded 10 June 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
Call of Duty-related Links:
Flawless SnD, Derail; Epic Triple Spray by xVHoMiCiD3Vx
Uploaded 10 June 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 DLC features co-op, shortcuts to unlocking gear.
- Medal of Honor beta starts 5 July 2010.
- BASHandSlash: MoH Tier1: EA E3 vid shows first MP.
- Medal of Honor might have the best gun noises ever.
- Previews of the very MW-esque Red Dawn inspired shooter Homefront: Joystiq; Kotaku; GameTrailers; 1Up. (Previous blog entry for Homefront, with multiple link goodness is on the 17 January 2010 update.)
- Left 4 Dead 'I Hate Mountains' PC mod co-op review.
- Crysis 2 stealth video goes all out.
- Red Dead Redemption 'The Kidnapped Girl' DLC screenies.
- Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project coming to XBLA 23 June 2010. GameTrailers has the E3 Duke promo vid.
- Wallace and Gromit games on their way to the iPad.
- Natal games updated on Kotaku.
- Natal and Move purchase intent below 10%.
- Valve explains cancellation of E3 press conference.
- Sony: Microsoft will 'have to' embrace 3D gaming.
- E3 report: Microsoft talking 3D games 'soon'.
- Playstation 4 video is fake, says Sony.
- The biggest surprises of past E3s.
Non-Gaming Links:
- IGN Ultimate iPhone 4 guide.
- How good is the iPhone 4's retina display, really?
- Move your caches to a RAM drive to reduce wear on SSDs.
- Microsoft hides mystery Firefox extension in weekly update.
- What Apple should have told The New York Times about apps take-down letter.
- FBI investigating leak of iPad owner emails.
- Verizon only gives up a 'few hundred' users to copyright group. So, rest easy, Verizon customers!
- Meanwhile, Down Under, Australia seeks to record citizens' web histories.
- Transformers 3 to conclude Michael Bay trilogy - in 3D.
- A-Team reviews: Kotaku; UGO.
- Joker961's blog
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