BC2 vs. MW2: Both Bitches in Different Ways


Shared on Thu, 01/28/2010 - 23:34
She has two big... guns.
I managed to play a little of the Xbox Live Bad Company 2 demo. I like it. I'm just not sure yet whether I'm going to play it past the demo. It depends a lot on how I adapt to the gameplay. It's been a few years since I was a noob in a game. Since my reflexes are poor, I tend to be a much more static player. Indeed, I got most of my kills on the defense, manning fixed guns and banging away with the LMG. I switched to medic, thinking I could support fellow players, and I did defib one. But there's no communication in random games, mosty. Plus, there seem to be some technical issues, too. I don't know if I'm being heard over my headset. Definitely, Reibo, who I partnered up with, was having the exact same problem. I'm going to play a bit more of the demo to see how I like it. Plus, it's only one play mode, Rush, I'm seeing. There are other play modes in the works that might suit me better. I'm definitely buying Battlefield: Bad Company 2, at least for the single player. When I played the Battlefield: Bad Company game, I didn't feel it was unfair to the player, mostly. Sure, there were some tight spots, but you could always flank and take out the enemy. Where do you flank in a frackin' enclosed shower room surrounded by shield-douches? (And, what's up with that? The MW2 single player shield douches can hose you with their SMGs, but you can't do it in multi-player?) There was no flanking in that section of MW2's Gulag mission. Basically, you flashbang and sprint to the hole at the end of the shower room, hoping you don't get Swiss-cheesed before you make it. Indeed, I ran through so fast I left Soap upstairs by his lonesome. I had to wait like a minute for the AI to catch up to the fact that I had bailed on his immortal ass. He may be immune to bullets, but I aint. I enjoyed the Battlefield: Bad Company single player campaign a lot, enough so that I've restarted it on hard just for the gamer points; I like the Battlefield approach to a campaign a lot better than Call of Duty's: you only take it in the asspipe occasionally. :)
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