Better late than never...


Shared on Wed, 03/14/2012 - 17:31
GungalTM of the Day
 GungalTM Kari Byron firmly believes in gun safety...

    As it turned out, my morning vent has turned into an evening vent, with me already at work. My Sweet Gal had to get up in the wee hours to go to work, and I got up with her. I was able to crawl back into the sack, tho, catching up on my snooze time till almost time for her to come back home. We enjoyed lunch together, a rarity on a work day for me, and we watched the last episode of The Amazing Race together. It was truly wonderful for us, with the only sad part being having to part so I could come up to work.

    Still... It's a short week. Only three nights, and I'm back at home for four days with my beloved Effie!! Effie, honey, I love you!!! I'll be home on Saturday morning!!    


    No news to speak of on the gaming front. My Gal and I didn't do any gaming this week, as we were busy with other real life things going on. We had a 'simple' smart phone fix turn into an hours-long ordeal owing to the ham-headedness of one electronics salesperson. The less said about that, the better, since it makes my blood pressure redline. Those are two hours my wife and I can't get back... and it irks me still an entire day later. Moving on...
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Uploaded 11 March 2012 on Kill3rification
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