Black Ops analyses, MW2 vids, Halo Reach beta gameplay


Shared on Mon, 05/03/2010 - 02:32


One of today's links asks, "What is a hardcore gamer?" The article accurately describes the modern misconception of the "hardcore gamer" as someone who plays FPS games like Halo or Call of Duty. Tho it's highly subjective, IMO, the real hardcore gamer is the multi-platform player: Someone playing different genres of games, often across multiple platform types. Am I a hardcore gamer? No, I'm an FPS gamer. I don't play platformers, 3rd person games, etc. I play strictly from the first person point of view and only shooters with a military theme. My bud Matt64 is more hardcore than I am since he plays lots of 3rd person games and sports games in addition to the CoD and Halo series.
Almost everyone plays games of one type or another. But who is really hardcore? Hands down, it's these guys. But to keep things in perspective: Of the set gamers, FPS gamers are a subset; military-themed FPS gamers are a subset of that subset. That's not hardcore. That's an endangered species.


Today's gaming mission is to set up my controls on the XIM360 for the Halo: Reach beta. I have the default controller layout printed out, and I'm gonna kludge together an interim controller config. A lot of Halo: Reach beta vids below. I'll probably not switch over to play Halo from my current love, Call of Duty. But, if they had a Team Rockets playlist, I'd definitely play that. A couple of weeks ago, Reibo tracked down the Halo: Reach beta tokens for us. We'll see how it goes.

Viewer Friendly Version of GT Pop Block
Uploaded 1 May 2010 by MW2Commentators

Within seconds of the release of the Call of Duty: Black Ops trailer, webheads everywhere were breaking it down frame by frame. The best ones found so far are linked below.
Today's featured MW2 vid is JahovasWitniss taking some kids to school with the silenced Vector and killstreaks. Next up, DubbleJord gives us some TDM action on MW2 Crash. Finally, from the PC side of the MW2 house comes some nice F2000 gameplay on Sub Base with Tiffmiester, who proves that it's the player not the weapon.
After the CoD jump, there's a lot of Halo: Reach video goodness. First impressions from SeaNanners, Muzzafuzza, Anoj, and more. Halo: Reach beta gets a bad rap from DubbleJord, tho. [Note: DubbleJord has privated the video, unfortunately. He made some really good comments about Bungie trying to imitate CoD.] Halo and CoD are apples and oranges. One isn't better or worse than the other; they're different games that demand a different play style. But there's no doubt in my mind that Halo peaked with Halo: Combat Evolved. Each iteration of the franchise has watered down the original goodness while adding eye candy. Just sayin'. Finally, we can enjoy IGN's first Top 10 kills for the Halo: Reach beta. On to the CoD links:


Featured MW2 Video
MW2 Domination Vector Nuke HD by JahovasWitniss

Uploaded 25 April 2010 on MW2Commentators

Modern Warfare 2: TDM #51 - Crash

Uploaded 30 April 2010 by DubbleJord

PcWarfare - Tiffmiester F2000 30 - 1 FFA
Uploaded 1 May 2010 on PCWarfare
More Gaming Links:

Halo Reach Beta: SeaNanners First Impressions

Uploaded 1 May 2010 on MachinimaRespawn
Halo Reach Beta: Muzzafuzza's First Thoughts

Uploaded 30 April 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

Call Of Duty: Future Warfare - Aka Halo Reach
Uploaded 2 May 2010 by DubbleJord
Halo Reach Beta: Anoj's Headhunter FFA Slayer
Uploaded 1 May 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

Halo Reach - Headhunter & Stockpile Gametype
Uploaded 30 April 2010 on RoosterTeeth

Halo: Reach beta Top 10 Kills

Uploaded 30 April 2010 on IGNEntertainment

Non-Gaming Links:




redeye's picture
Submitted by redeye on Mon, 05/03/2010 - 03:41
Let us know how you get on with setting your controller up for Reach Joker. I'm just getting into Halo and am seriously struggling to adjust to the controller after so many hours with MW, Bad Company2 and Borderlands for that matter. Someone left a comment on my blog suggesting the Bumper Jumper layout is the way to go.
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Tue, 05/04/2010 - 04:57
Thanks for reading! There's a Bungie forum feedback thread about the layouts: It's a bit different for me since I use a mouse/KB adapter. It's really awkward until I tweak the sensitivity to something I can handle.

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