Shared on Thu, 05/13/2010 - 07:26 Got a call yesterday from my ex-manager that the Nanotech HR department had called him. I'm very pleased that they're actively checking me. Keeping my fingers crossed! Apparently, there are a lot of ex-NXP folks applying. Guess they're as desperate as I am for work. ;-)
Down below, you'll see that Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is getting a co-op mode. Not sure of all the details, but once it becomes available as DLC on Xbox Live, I might buy another copy to try it out. I love co-op.
Another great piece of news, of course, is that Treyarch is including some version of 2-4 player co-op on Call of Duty: Black Ops. I hope that means the campaign co-op they included in World at War. Tho, Reibo enjoyed the W@W zombies, I always liked straight co-op the best.
It looks like I'll be obliged to get another Blu-Ray player. The current one is definitely failing. I'll be going online and checking reviews to see which one is best for the HQ game room.
Free-for-All, Crash, M4 and SPAS-12
- CoD Black Ops News: PC Mods return to Modern Warfare 2 - unofficially.
- USAToday GameHunters: More on Call of Duty: Black Ops with Treyarch studio head.
- Escapist: Black Ops confirmed for the Wii.
- CVG: EA: Modern Warfare 'damaged' by Infinity Ward exodus. (Thanks to dug_star1 for the tweeted links!)
- IGN: New co-op mode for Battlefield: Bad Company 2! FTA: "Onslaught Mode allows four players to team up across four objective-based multiplayer maps – Valparaiso, Atacama Desert, Isla Inocentes, and Nelson Bay. The maps have been "redesigned" with new lighting, time of day, added vehicles and other effects, according to Electronic Arts."
- Edge Online: EA not happy until it dominates FPS genre.
- 1Up: EA E3 lineup promises 'breathtaking' 3D game.
- VoodooExtreme: Bioshock DLC triple release.
- Shacknews: Metro 2033 DLC details coming soon.
- Lost Planet 2 review roundup: GameDaily; GiantBomb; Bit-Tech; Pocket-Lint; GamingUnion; MTV Multiplayer (blog); San Francisco Chronicle.
- 1Up: Valve releases Counter-Strike Source update.
- Joystiq: Best Buy threatens gamer mag: @Gamer.
- GamePro: Almost half US games budget spent on used, mobile, online games. (Thanks to KreativeGeek for the tweeted link!)
- IGN: Daily Fix for 11 May 2010. No Jessica.
- Slashdot: Genetic testing coming to a drugstore near you.
- TechRadar: 10 iPad tricks and tricks to save you time.
- UnrealityMag: 11 Awesome Frazetta paintings.
- Joker961's blog
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