Blacklight Tango Did... I bought it...


Shared on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 07:47
A GungirlTM should have good posture!

    Made it home alive. That's nothing to sneeze looking at how people drive on the Thruway. Continued semi-improvement on the leg. Pressure stocking is working its daily magic, keeping the pain down to a dull throb. Gotta keep driving on... Which is easy to say only once you're actually improving. When you're in a holding pattern waiting for symptoms to show signs of clearing up, it just sucks... Ah, well.


    More Blacklight: Tango Down goodness today. I went to schedule download the demo for the Xbox 360 on the web, and I wound up just buying the game. I'll be downloading to the console later today to start setting up my XIM360 configs. (I'm slightly stoked at the idea of gaming, period. It's been soooo long... Hopefully, my improving physical condition will mean that Matt64, Reibo and I can start getting together on a semi-regular basis again.) In the main blog today, we have a review of Blacklight: Tango Down and an explanation of how the clan tags work by TWTHEREDDRAGON. Also linked are a brief game preview and NeoSeeker's in-depth review of the game. If I can get some gaming in today, I'll try to cobble together some comments on it for a near furture blog - meaning, before I go back up North to work on Wednesday morning. :-D Moving on...


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