Busy day, early start... Gotta get rolling!


Shared on Mon, 03/21/2011 - 05:12
 Thong-wearing GungalTM up for some junkyard plinking...

    Awesome day and evening with my Sweet Gal! Amazed always at how the simplest thing we do is awesome just because we do it together!!  My gal is just so wonderful, there are no words. Words are too weak to convey how much I love her!!     Had a great workout at the gym Sunday morning, with 25 mins of cardio on the treadmill followed up with a leg/ab workout that didn't leave me hurting afterward, lol. No time for anything but treadmill this AM, but it was pretty dang good! Found an old MP3 player that had an awesome 'get-your-heart-thumping mix on it. I embedded one below that got me particularly stoked on the cardio treadmill: Quiet Riot's dover of 'Cum on Feel the Noize'. That's the late Kevin DuBrow on the vocals. It's not Slade, but it rocks nonetheless!!

    Today, Mama Joker has her cataract surgery at 8:30 AM, so we're all praying that it goes smoothly and quickly. If all goes well, I'll be able to meet my Sweet Gal in the PM and have dinner together!! So looking forward to seeing her again! Moving on...

Cum on Feel the Noize
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 23 December 2010 on AvexTheatre


    Call of Duty Links:

Google search results for 'best ass'... LOL! 
    More Gaming Links:
Portal's Chamber 18 done with no portals... 
    Non-Gaming Links:
Vintage Radio Shack ad with Isaac Asimov
 (Credit: syncretic on Reddit SciFi)


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