Call of Duty: Boobfare; More Chobot, More Jovovich


Shared on Fri, 04/09/2010 - 09:00

Speaking of Joe Walsh, here's a scorching guitar solo from YouTube. Awesome. Today is resupply day at the HQ, so we're gonna try to get some more coffee. (Thanks to Matt64 for the tip-off about the coupons this week at Ocean State Job Lot!) I did a little more Spec Ops yesterday, trying to get through the Hidden level on Hardened. I got a false sense of confidence by watching a Veteran level play through on YouTube. I had gotten through it easily enough on Regular, so I thought I'd be able to do it at least on Hardened. Such was not the case. After getting cranked a couple of times by the first set of snipers, I got through them, only to get gibbed by a magic grenade once I got to the church. One thing that torqued me out a bit was one of the snipers shooting me from a position essentially outside the map. After getting past the guards and the first two snipers, I was near the tanks, beside a hedgerow that formed an impassable barrier for me on my left, and the sniper was around the corner in a cul de sac formed by the ring of tanks. He could shoot me through the hedgerow, even though he was invisible to me behind the foliage and the player can't go through the greenery. Cheating douchebag AI.
I've been doing less online gaming, which is probably bad, since it will increase my suckage when I go back. But I can't stand gaming online without a full crew. I had connected with the 2Old2Play friend's list, but almost no one plays hardcore. On the regular playlists, I'm pretty much every Timmy's bitch. Bad Company 2, it turns out, just didn't turn my crank. I haven't picked it up in weeks... Is it Game Over! for me? Or am I just bored?

Big news from Wednesday was that the $15 US price point on the MW2 Stimulus Package didn't do much to deter sales. According to the sales figures which have begun to trickle out, the MW2 map pack had first day sales which matched the sales of the one and only CoD4 map pack for its first nine days. (CoD4 players will recall that more DLC was promised but ultimately became vaporware as Infinity Ward concentrated on producing glitches Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.) Today's featured MW2 vid is a nicely played TDM match on Crash by Dubblejord. Also, RoosterTeeth has a nice tutorial on beating the Spec Ops mission Evasion on Veteran with two players. Take a look at a 30 second tactical nuke! And it's done without cheating! The last MW2-related vid is an amazing amateur MW2 tribute called Frozen Crossing. Very, very cool, indeed. After the MW2 jump, there's another cool clip from Ronin6337, where he forcefully sends some evil Spetsnaz clones back down the stairs. On to the links:
Featured MW2 YouTube Video

TDM on Crash by Dubblejord

Defendthehouse: Myth 19 of 21

MW2 Spec Ops Evasion, Veteran, 2 player
how-to tutorial by RoosterTeeth

The 30 second tactical nuke...

Luck was a factor, but still cool.

   [Not cool. Yem was right to be suspicious of this vid. It looks like a lot of people are calling out the BSness of the 30 second nuke linked on 8 April 2010: Blade and Others Chop Shaggy; Muzza's Rant; Analyzation/Proof Video.]

Frozen Crossing (Live Action MW2 vid)

More Gaming Links:

Featured BC2 video
Bad Company 2: Get back down the stairs!
with the luscious Jessica Chobot

Is Jessica Chobot well read?

Yes, she certainly is!
Non-Gaming Links:
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Milla has a strong right hand...


YEM's picture
Submitted by YEM on Fri, 04/09/2010 - 09:12
mmmm Chobot And I'm not sold on that "30 second nuke" not being a setup. Has anyone ever seen all 6 players rush to cap B while not having at least 1 person head up the escalator towards C or the book shop hallway?
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Sat, 04/10/2010 - 07:43
Yep, maybe I shoulda written "cheating might be a factor" rather than "luck". :D
Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 19:27
@Yem: Looks like the vid was a set-up. I updated the blog with the response vids from other MW2 YouTubers.

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