Call of Duty Elite, lol?


Shared on Thu, 06/02/2011 - 00:22
 GungalTM must go thru a lot of deodorant...

    So as this Vent auto-posts on the HQ, the first work night is half over, and I'm missing my Pretty Gal!! We had such a wonderful week together, enjoying a lot of quiet time alone, just hanging. It's rough to have to be 100 miles away working. But it's all OK. At the end of the week, come Sunday morning, I'll be just a nap away from taking her in my arms again!! That moment when I get home, and I see her smile at me as I drive up, is the best there is!! I can't wait! I love you, Effie! I'll be home on Sunday!!


    A lot of speculation about the upcoming subscription service for Call of Duty. Some aspects of the so called Call of Duty Elite are going to be paid, tho it's not been made clear exactly which. For me, with the limited gaming I can do with the demands of the job and family, it's largely a moot point. I'm not obsessing either way. It does gall me a bit that, taking into account the vagueness of early reports, it sounds like Activision is doing a Bungie-type stat thing and charging folks for it. We'll see... I signed up for the unlikely Call of Duty Elite closed beta scheduled for later this Summer, but it's dubious that I'll be picked. How many 50 year old Call of Duty fanbois are there, anyway? Moving on...


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Uploaded 4 January 2011 on lRoboToast


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