Call of Duty: Litigation Warfare 2


Shared on Sat, 03/06/2010 - 06:35


Kari... She really likes a big... gun.

   My pre-ordered Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for the Xbox 360 arrived yesterday. I haven't unwrapped it yet. Still feeling a bit ambivalent about jumping right back in when I feel so damn tired. I might give the single player campaign a go tonight or tomorrow, depending on how I feel. There are still a lot of clean up items left on the agenda.

  The legal wrangling between former Infinity Ward CEOs Vince Zampella and Jason West and parent company/owner Activision is going to be nasty. According to yesterday's Kotaku article on the lawsuit, Zampella and West have filed against Activision, the two fired CEOs accuse game publisher of "Orwellian moves". On to the links:

Featured MW2 YouTube Video

Modern Warfare 2 Mythbusters, Episode 4

Direct Impact with Javelin

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