Chobot Resupply; Milla Takes Aim


Shared on Sat, 04/10/2010 - 07:45

Imagine this in 3D... Woof!

Today's featured vid is a top 5 plays lucktage uploaded by ThatGuyWhoCamps. Also included is a MW2 Spec Ops Terminal mission Veteran walkthrough that's heavy on Riot Shield action. I haven't unlocked it yet, but it sure seems like a two-man mission to me. After the MW2 jump, today's featured BC2 vid is some excellent precision shooting with the UMP by SAM5000 on a Rush game on Isla Inocentes. On to the links:


Featured MW2 YouTube Video

Top 5 Plays by ThatGuyWhoCamps

Defendthehouse: Myth 20 of 21

MW2 Spec Ops Terminal Veteran
2 player tutorial by mayhemrabbit

Featured Battlefield: Bad Company 2 vid

UMP Rush gameplay by SAM5000

Blacklight: Tango Down

Hosted by
(link for more screenies below)



with the luscious Jessica Chobot
Does Jessica like to be bugged while gaming?
No, she does not.

Non-Gaming Links:


IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Mon, 04/12/2010 - 17:03
Nice. Joker, I am trying to find that one link that was in your blog last week. It was about those guys that take average cod games with commentary and will upload them or whatnot. What was the youtube channel again? I can't find it. Otherwise great blog as usual.

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