Shared on Tue, 12/21/2010 - 09:26 Today's GungirlTM has a little too much finger on that Beretta 9mm's trigger...
Had a wonderful evening with my Sweet Gal last night, as I accompanied to her line dancing class. (And, no, there were enough gents there with two left feet, I didn't cut a rug of any description.) Can't tell you what a pleasure it was to watch my baby line dance; she looked amazing. I'm gonna miss my Pretty Gal badly tonight, as I have to finish the Xmas shopping this AM and PM, meeting with Matt for some CoD Black Ops gaming around 4ish. But I'll text her in between my ass-whuppings to keep her posted on how badly my ego has been bruised, lol. Have to get cracking to make it all happen. Moving on...
- Alienware announces Call of Duty: Black Ops tournament sponsored also by Nvidia.
- Dead Space 2 demo up on Xbox Live for Gold Members. (Thanks, Evil Avatar.)
- Mass Effect 2 PS3 to us Mass Effect 3 game engine. Mass Effect 2.5?
- Killzone 3 screenies posted at ActionTrip. Looks yummy... Too bad I'm an Xbox guy, lol.
- PS3 to get Splinter Cell trilogy.
- Back to the Future's dark video game past.
Non-Gaming Links:
- The Drake Equation and the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence.
- NASA finds extra-terrestrial amino acids in Sundanese meteorites. Whoa.
- Time lapse video of the Solstice Lunar Eclipse we slept through last night.
- Echinacea (Gesundheit!) no better than placebo in curtailing length of cold. In other words, it doesn't work. Stick to chicken soup, folks.
- Quitting menthol cigarettes harder for some smokers.
- Joker961's blog
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