CoD Linkage & Gaming Items


Shared on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 03:29
Rhona Mitra gets ready to pump...

Still no Sandy Ravage Booster Justice 3 on YouTube. I emailed Sandy Ravage asking whether there was some delay, but he was as nonplussed as I was. It's a shame because I watched most of the live stream that generated Booster Justice 3, and it rocked! There was some epic pwnage of the boosting douches that night.
After doing my taxes yesterday, it was apparent that there'll be enough there to replace the ancient PC Reibo's been wrestling with. I'm considering the idea of getting a PVR, also, since it would add only $200 to the set-up. Tho my games are not worth recording - ever - Reibo has some fragtastic FFA games on Modern Warfare 2. It's one thing to describe doing something cool; it's something else again to embed a YouTube vid of it for all to oooh! and ahhhhh! at.

Today's featured vid is Ronin6337 taking out an elevator glitcher on Derail. It takes him a couple of tries, but he gets the cheating douchebag. Bravo, dude! Second vid is xGoldenx7 massacring the enemy with the Chopper Gunner on a Ground War match on Crash. He says the killstreaks are overpowered, especially the Chopper Gunner. I think it's the enemy team's fault for letting him run up an 11-kill streak, no one having an anti-air class, and no one having cold-blooded. On a hardcore match, it's difficult for the Chopper Gunner to be overpowered because more players have an anti-air class and almost everyone uses Cold-blooded. Also, it's harder for the Chopper Gunner to dominate because you can't spray the map indiscriminately without blasting friendlies. What do you guys think? On to the links:

Featured MW2 YouTube Video

Ronin6337 snipes Derail Glitcher

XGoldenx7 Chopper Gunner 35-0, Guilt Pangs
Viewable on CallofDutyComedy

Uzi pwnage on Rundown by Cranz

Uploaded on MWCommentators
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Top 5 Plays (All Shooters)
Uploaded on GameplayUnited


Zero Punctuation reviews God of War 3
(NSFW language)

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    Just to clarify, I don't have an axe to grind with Apple. If the links are sometimes critical of Apple, it's the links, not me. I try to go for stuff that's informative or funny (both, preferably), not specifically someone ripping on Apple.




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