Shared on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 13:57
We only played for a few hours last night. I opened an abyss of suck and fell right in. We had a really, really good game early on on Skid Row. We spawned as the Rangers and held down the loading bay area. A random on our team kept rushing across right into enemy fire, over and over. Reibo finished that game 17/4, Matt was 10/5, and I finished 8/1. The rusher was 7/16... A later game on Skid Row didn't turn out as well. We spawned as the Spetsnaz and tried to hold down the apartment block area. Again, we had a rusher. After he'd been killed 4 or 5 times, we told him to stop rushing out. He told us we should move out and get some kills. I responded that going negative wasn't going to win us the game. Most ironically, he dashboarded at the end of the game. We won anyway without his rushing "skills". Douchebag.
Reibo ragequit early on after a random team-mate turned out to be a sand-bagger for the enemy team. The dude went 4/20 standing still as a human target for his pals. They all fled the lobby afterward, and Mr. Sandbag hung around for a few seconds till Reibo asked him whether he was going to go play with his friends who'd just left. Reibo ragequit shortly after that. I followed suit, switching over to some Netflix streaming, enduring an unbelievably bad documentary about SF author Phillip K. Dick. Reibo got on later after he got spammed with cellphone texts begging him to join a private knifing match, and the crew went back on Live a little while later. I was too tired to rejoin and called it a night.
Patched but still funny:
Dealing with care package
glitchers by WoodysGamertag.
Tactical Insertion Multi-fail
Modern Warfare 2 Car Suicide
- Xboxic: Sgt Barnes moves from Pacific Theater to VietNam. Linked scan of the casting call sheet uncovered by VG247.
- IT Chiuko: Main heroine of Call of Duty 7 will be Russian spy.
- Play.tm: Where to now for Call of Duty?
- Call of Duty 4 slot machine game coming out.
- If you're an old fart, like me, and prefer not to party up with players whose voices haven't changed yet, click this link for 2Old2Play. The website caters to the, ahem, mature gamer. You can find forums for every game type, and my favorite is the Call of Duty Franchise forum. Yesterday, I posted my 666th post.
More Gaming Links:
- 1Up: More Halo: Reach details.
- GamesRadar: MAG (PS3 only) review. "Less is more."
- Edge Online: Preview of Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing.
- Industry Gamers: Tiger Woods' groveling pleases EA Sports.
- JoyStiq: Greg Grunberg (Heroes) interviewed at Bad Company 2 celebrity challenge charity event.
- Kotaku: The day gamers took over reselling: Epilogue (Glyde selling experience).
- Penny Arcade (on game piracy): A Cyclical Argument with a (Literal) Straw Man.
Halo 3 Mythbusters, Ep 4
Non-Gaming Links:
- IGN's Top 25 Blu-Rays.
- Joker961's blog
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