Shared on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 03:30GungalTM of the Day
As it happened, the storm caused my Sweet Gal and I to cut our weekend away short, and it was kinda rough. Power was off at the HQ for a couple nights, and we had no internet (except a few hours of teasing) after the storm blew thru. Hoping to get things back on track here soon, tho. Moving on...
Featured CoD: Black Ops Video
Uploaded 19 August 2011 on CODblackopsXBOX
Call of Duty Links:
- Modern Warfare 3 developer CEO laments current console capabilities.
- [Merch] Gunnar Modern Warfare 3 'gaming glasses' announced. My LOL! is being inhibited by a natural WTF?!? reaction to this piece of crap...
More Gaming Links:
- [Video] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive trailer released on Steam.
- [Video] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive preview on IGN.
- Counter-Strike: Global Offensive will support cross-platform play on PC, Mac, and PS3 (with mouse and keyboard support on the later, BTW).
- [YouTube] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive gameplay. A full round is also posted by IGN on YouTube.
- Ninja Gaiden III screenies on NintendoEverything.
- PS3 cross-game chat is never coming, and Sony explains why.
Non-Gaming Links:
- Nearby supernova blooms into view. Also covered on Bad Astronomy.
- America's ride into space on Russian rocket is in question.
- Neil Armstrong urges return to the Moon.
- Fossil redefines mammal history.
- Windows 8: What we know so far.
- Seven formerly popular sites that are dying now.
- Grandma gets breasts implants at 83.
- Taken sequel to begin shooting in October.
- [Cracked] Five classic movies that almost had terrible endings.
- Joker961's blog
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