Shared on Tue, 03/09/2010 - 06:59
Today's featured MW2 vid is best watched with the sound turned off. Usually, I don't mind this dude's commentary, but on this vid it's way too cutesy to be tolerable. Turn the sound off before watching. On to the links:
- VentureBeat: The Making and Unmaking of Infinity Ward.
- GameRant: Infinity Ward versus Activision.
- Planet Call of Duty: Chronological round-up of the Infinity Ward/Activision debacle.
- Terminal Gamer: Scans of court documents in IW/Activision lawsuit.
- GameKicker: Modern Warfare 2 slips to 7th place on UK sales charts; Bad Company 2 takes 1st place.
More Gaming Links:
- TechSpot: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 GPU performance in depth.
- BadCompanytwo.com: BFBC2 Bugs and How to Get Around Them.
- Voodoo Extreme: Faster BC2 PC server browsing.
- GamaSutra: Battlefield Logistics: A Bad Company 2 Interview, an interview with DICE's Patrick Bach.
- Firing Squad: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 multiplayer review.
- MetaCritic: Bad Company 2 currently at 88% average.
- Bad Company 2 "Battle of the Baddest" tournament at GameStop with $10,000 in prize money to be won by top squads. Deadline to enter is 14 March 2010.
Pixel Enemy: Win a copy of BC2
- GamePro: Medal of Honor Redux. (GamePro editors meet with real-life Tier 1 operators.)
- VG247: Halo: Reach multiplayer trailer stripped bare by hardcore fan.
Halo: Reach MP trailer analysis by Hoovaloov
- UGO: Remaining Halo 2 Players Get a Surprise.
- PushSquare: PSP SOCOM U.S. Navy SEALs trailer analysis.
- GameTrailers: Pach-attack on internet use caps.
- DigitalSpy: Gaming's forgotten war: World War I.
- GameSpy humor: The Strange and Embarrassing History of Videogames on TV.
- GameTrailers: Top 10 Disappointments of the Decade in Gaming.
- Kotaku (image): Xbox 360 controller cupcake.
- Mashable via Digg: Hundreds of Twitter Accounts Hacked [WARNING].
- Popular Science opens online archives of its 137-year run of issues. (Thanks, Slashdot.)
- Gizmodo: For the douche who has everything: Vers Handcrafted Wood iPad Case. Speaking of douches, related: Steve Jobs Says "No," iPad Won't Tether To iPhone.
- BBC thru Slashdot: Sumo Wrestler Steals Cash Machine From Moscow Shop.
- Joker961's blog
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