Happy Birthday, USMC!


Shared on Thu, 11/10/2011 - 01:30
Happy Birthday, United States Marine Corps!

Today, 10 November, is the USMC birthday. So, special birthday greetings to all the Leathernecks out there!

As this entry auto-posts on the HQ, the first work night is over, and I'm already counting down to going home to my beloved Effie!! Lord, I can't wait!! Effie, I love you, baby!! I'll be home Friday morning!

I managed to work up the mojo to stop at GameStop yesterday on the way to work, so I have my copy of Modern Warfare 3 in hand. It rode in the shotgun seat all the way to Albany, taunting me silently, lol. No worries, tho. It's not like I was going to crack the case open and play it on the spot. In the meantime, I did get skunked at GameStop on the Wii which I intend giving Missus Joker. As you may have seen in the blog news links from time to time, Zelda: Skyward Sword is scheduled for a November 2011 release on the Wii. I found a Wii Mario Brothers bundle online which was comparable and ordered it. I did have success at GameStop ordering the actual Zelda: Skyward Sword. I ordered the special edition with the Zelda branded nunchuck controller. That will mean two nunchucks available, so, if I'm not too controller challenged on the things, I might be able to play some video games with Missus Joker, too, and with my stepson, who is also a Call of Duty player. Moving on...



Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 8 November 2011 on GoldGloveTV
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