Shared on Thu, 11/24/2011 - 07:53 Pilgrim GungalTM Marilyn Monroe
hunts for Thanksgiving's main course!
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Angry turkey thinks you should be cooking a ham today...
As I said a year ago on the Thanksgiving 2010 vent, life is full of surprises! Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States, and, amid all the feasting and carrying on the holiday involves, we should take a moment to give true thanks for the blessings in our lives. My beloved wife is beside me, and we're as happy as can be! No life is without its troubles, but Effie and I will face them together, confident that the Good Lord who blessed us by bringing us together will give us the strength and faith to endure. I love you, my wife!! I will love you Forever. Promise.
Featured Modern Warfare 3 Video
Uploaded 21 November 2011 on iFlyILLINI
Call of Duty Links:
- Metacritic versus Modern Warfare 3: The psychology of fanboys.
- [YouTube] Call of Duty: Ridiculous Warfare.
More Gaming Links:
- [Review] Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on Gematsu.
- [Preview] Batman: Arkham City Robin gameplay.
- [Preview] Spec Ops: The Line on GamesRadar.
- GamePro's 'Black Friday' camping out pro tips.
- Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim contains the entire Elder Scrolls land mass.
- What Metal Gear Solid 5 could be and should be.
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Non-Gaming Links:
- NASA Mars mission in final stages of preparation.
- [Image] Image to scale: How far away is the Sun? (large image size). How about the Moon?
- Iceman mummy 'Oetsi' may have smashed eye in fall.
- [Feature] Black Friday: Five reasons why gamers are better at it than anyone.
- Tablet demand triples ahead of holiday shopping season.
- Joker961's blog
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