Homeward Bound... I wish I wa-ah-as...


Shared on Sun, 09/26/2010 - 02:10
 GungirlTM Kate Beckinsale aims for a 4th Underworld film...

    If the work gods have favored me this AM, I managed to sky out of work a little earlier than normal. It's going to be a big week at the HQ, with a lot of activity to get everything ready for Mom's return on Wednesday. I've scheduled a day off for that day so I can be home and help her get settled. After that, I hope to hit the Hub to do some non-alcoholic celebrating. Sucks, but what can you do?




    We're only a couple of weeks away from Medal of Honor's release. As I've mentioned, I'm pre-ordered, and I'm going to at least play the single player campaign. Once I do, I'll post my frustrations and annoyances here for all to enjoy.
    Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is Sandy Ravage schooling all comers in TDM. The second vid is Optic Nation's latest installment of the Top 5 Winning MW2 Killcam shots. Moving on...


Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video TDM Sandy Ravage Style

Uploaded 23 September 2010 by Sandy Ravage




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Optic Nation's Top 5 MW2 Winning Killcams of the Week #21
Uploaded 23 September 2010 on Machinima Respawn


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The Original Videogame, 1958
Uploaded 10 September 2007 by Umma6umma
What video games can teach our schools

Uploaded 22 September 2010 by VideosatNSF


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