Hump Day for Me...


Shared on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 06:59
GungirlTM Martina Fox knows how to
fill out a pair of cutoffs.

    Another work week has commenced - tho a day later than usual for me due to Mom's move from the hospital to physical therapy rehab. We safely installed her at her new digs, and if all went well, on Thursday, she was evaluated for her physical therapy program to rebuild the muscles that Crestor destroyed. She was in good spirits, and she seemed to be getting some of her physicall strength back. Modern medicine is just wonderful - except when it isn't.
    As for me, I weathered the reunion at The Hub very well. I behaved myself, didn't drink, and controlled my high glycemic carb intake. For purposes of clarification, it's not the carbs that keep me from drinking - it's the potential of liver damage from the combo of meds and alcohol. I can plan for the carb allotment, but I can't plan for liver damage, except by doing everything possible to avoid it.
   My plan is still to get off the meds by getting healthy and eating healthy. Tho I blew off his advice for years, my GP knew what he was talking about when he told me to read Sugar Busters! It's been instrumental in my progress thus far, and it's a life plan that I can follow without undue sacrifice... Plug over.


   Guess gaming's on the back burner for now. If my Mom's new schedule permits, I might be able to do some rare morning gaming during my days off. My roomie Brian encouraged me to haul my Xbox up North so I can game on my work days, but, like any old infantryman, I resent every single extra gram I have to carry. Bad enough I have to haul my duffle full of (rapidly getting too big) clothes up here, pluss whatever possibles I bring with me. Plus, game when I really need to be sleeping? Madness!
   Today's featured Modern Warfare 2 vid is PaincakesxX doing the FFA thing with the TAR-21 on Highrise. I like the TAR-21 for short-medium distance, and I wish it was a tad more accurate at medium-to-long. Our second vid is R0K's tutorial on how to survive 200+ rounds on Shi No Numa against the World at War zombies. Too much for me. Moving on...


Featured Modern Warfare 2 Video
Free for All on Highrise (Tar-21) by PainCakesxX

Uploaded 25 July 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

    Call of Duty Links:

R0K's 200 Round Zombies Solo Strategy for Shi No Numa (WAW Gameplay)

Uploaded 29 July 2010 on MachinimaRespawn

    More Gaming Links:

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 Boba Fett Reveal

Uploaded 26 July 2010 on Machinima

Halo: Reach 'Battle Begins'

Uploaded 28 July 2010 on Machinima

    Non-Gaming Links:



Joker961's picture
Submitted by Joker961 on Sat, 07/31/2010 - 07:18
@redeye For my money, unless someone is hiding under some stairs somewhere, it ain't camping. Controlling an area is a legit way to do FFA. It's how a lot of players dominate.
redeye's picture
Submitted by redeye on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 07:59
That FFA vid was like watching myself play. I do exactly the same: patrol and control zones. The amount of times I get accused of being a 'hiding faggot' or similar is quite amusing though:) I add to his strategy with the use of claymores and find the heartbeat sensor can be beneficial when playing FFA; although it won't win you any friends. Dominating using any strategy won't win you any friends though; so my motto is to do what you please.

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